Logging Services report 2005-05 ------------------------------- Projects listed in alphabetical order. PMC Report ---------- * Ceki Gülcü decided to step down as Chair of the Logging Services PMC and Mark Womack was nominated and recommended to the ASF Board as the replacement. The ASF Board appointed Mark through resolution at the May board meeting. The PMC thanks Ceki for all of his efforts to get the Logging Services project off the ground as the PMC Chair! * Issues with the log4cxx project were raised by Ceki Gülcü to the ASF board and LS PMC as part of his chair handoff. At issue was the perceived problem that log4cxx currently has three committers, only two of which are currently active (the third of which is currently on a leave of absence). This issue was orignally raised when the log4cxx project was graduated from incubation, but it was felt that the situation was healthy enough and new committers would be added to the log4cxx project in the near future. However, no new committers have been added to date. The Logging Services PMC is still monitoring the situation. There are several contributors to the log4cxx project that are showing some real potential to becoming full committers, given some more time. The PMC will continue to update the board and incubator as to the progress. * Discussions around interoperability between the various Logging Services subprojects implementations have been started. Many people within the Logging Services project see this as an important aspect of providing unified logging support across different development languages. What exactly it means and how the subprojects can conform to it needs to be determined, but the LS project is in a unique position to forge a solution in this area. log4cxx Report -------------- * A release is still long overdue, however most major issues have been resolved and remaining tasks primarily involve restoring functionality that had been disabled during recent pervasive changes. Jira issue LOGCXX-62 is tracking the progress toward an 0.9.8 release. * Two developers were submitted to the PMC for committer access at the PMC Chairman's request. The PMC consensus was that the candidates needed a longer history before committer access was granted. log4j Report ------------ * In April, the log4j committers voted to recall version 1.2.10 of log4j. The primary concern being that it was not released under the bylaws of the Logging Services project in regards to releases by subprojects. * The log4j committers have agreed upon a release overview and timeline for future releases. Versions 1.2.11 and 1.2.12 are going to have important bug fixes and (hopefully) the long awaited addition of the TRACE level. Work on 1.3 will progress with the finalization, consolidation, and testing of features. Timeframe for the 1.3 release is targeted for October of this year. * The current log4j cvs has a dependency on code from a related outside project, slf4j (Simple Logging Facade For Java). The basis of this code is originally from the log4j project (the UGLI api set), but was moved outside to have it under a different, compatible license (X11/MIT type license). There is planned support for slf4j for the v1.3 release and discussions about official support in the v1.2 branch. The slf4j project is currently providing a fork of the log4j 1.2 version, called nlog4j, that provides an slf4j implementation. log4net Report -------------- * Log4net is currently incubating. The incubator approved the release of log4net 1.2.9 beta which is the first release of log4net under Apache. The upcoming release goals are to ensure consistent code quality and improve the available end user documentation. * The project's ongoing goal is to increase the number of active committers and to graduate from incubation. log4php Report -------------- * Log4php project is trying to increase the number of active committers and to graduate from incubation. * The project maintainer is working on the first release (0.10) under Apache.