Logging Services report 2005-02 ------------------------------- Projects listed in alphabetical order. - report for the PMC The Logging Services project has approved the graduation of the log4cxx project from incubation. The Incubator PMC has sustained our motion and formally graduated log4cxx on 2005-01-11. The Logging Services project plans to move its CVS modules to SVN during the month of July. Election for PMC chair are expected to be held during March. - report for log4cxx log4cxx is stabilizing after a fairly pervasive changes to simultaneously support wide and multibyte strings and to migrate to Apache Portable Runtime for threading, time and network services. A release is long overdue since the previous release has many significant issues which are frequently encountered by new users. Assistance with make files is needed. Jira issue LOGCXX-62 is tracking the progress toward an 0.9.8 release. - report for log4j Log4j 1.3alpha has been released during November 2004. Several other alpha releases have followed suit since then. We expect to release a final version in June. Given the large size of Chainsaw, a log viewer based on log4j, the log4j committers have decided to create a separate CVS module for it. - report for log4net The Logging Services PMC would like to see the log4net project graduate in the coming few months. A new log4net development release is in preparation which the LS PMC has approved. We intend to seek the approval of the Incubator PMC in the coming days. The finalised log4net version 1.2 should be released within the next quarter. log4net is now using a JIRA issue tracker. - report for log4php The log4php project has been quiet for a while and seems dormant. The Logging Services chairman has contacted log4php to inquire about the state of the log4php project.