TextileThis($string); * */ /* $HeadURL$ $LastChangedRevision$ */ /* _____________ T E X T I L E A Humane Web Text Generator Version 2.3 Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Dean Allen All rights reserved. Thanks to Carlo Zottmann for refactoring Textile's procedural code into a class framework Additions and fixes Copyright (c) 2006 Alex Shiels http://thresholdstate.com/ Additions and fixes Copyright (c) 2010 Stef Dawson http://stefdawson.com/ Additions and fixes Copyright (c) 2010-12 Netcarver http://github.com/netcarver Additions and fixes Copyright (c) 2011 Jeff Soo http://ipsedixit.net Additions and fixes Copyright (c) 2012 Robert Wetzlmayr http://wetzlmayr.com/ _____________ L I C E N S E Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name Textile nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. _________ U S A G E Block modifier syntax: Header: h(1-6). Paragraphs beginning with 'hn. ' (where n is 1-6) are wrapped in header tags. Example: h1. Header... ->


Paragraph: p. (also applied by default) Example: p. Text ->


Blockquote: bq. Example: bq. Block quotation... ->
Block quotation...
Blockquote with citation: bq.:http://citation.url Example: bq.:http://textism.com/ Text... ->
Footnote: fn(1-100). Example: fn1. Footnote... ->


Numeric list: #, ## Consecutive paragraphs beginning with # are wrapped in ordered list tags. Example:
  1. ordered list
Bulleted list: *, ** Consecutive paragraphs beginning with * are wrapped in unordered list tags. Example: Definition list: Terms ;, ;; Definitions :, :: Consecutive paragraphs beginning with ; or : are wrapped in definition list tags. Example:
Phrase modifier syntax: _emphasis_ -> emphasis __italic__ -> italic *strong* -> strong **bold** -> bold ??citation?? -> citation -deleted text- -> deleted +inserted text+ -> inserted ^superscript^ -> superscript ~subscript~ -> subscript @code@ -> computer code %(bob)span% -> span ==notextile== -> leave text alone (do not format) "linktext":url -> linktext "linktext(title)":url -> linktext "$":url -> url "$(title)":url -> url !imageurl! -> !imageurl(alt text)! -> alt text !imageurl!:linkurl -> ABC(Always Be Closing) -> ABC Linked Notes: ============ Allows the generation of an automated list of notes with links. Linked notes are composed of three parts, a set of named _definitions_, a set of _references_ to those definitions and one or more _placeholders_ indicating where the consolidated list of notes is to be placed in your document. Definitions. ----------- Each note definition must occur in its own paragraph and should look like this... note#mynotelabel. Your definition text here. You are free to use whatever label you wish after the # as long as it is made up of letters, numbers, colon(:) or dash(-). References. ---------- Each note reference is marked in your text like this[#mynotelabel] and it will be replaced with a superscript reference that links into the list of note definitions. List Placeholder(s). ------------------- The note list can go anywhere in your document. You have to indicate where like this... notelist. notelist can take attributes (class#id) like this: notelist(class#id). By default, the note list will show each definition in the order that they are referenced in the text by the _references_. It will show each definition with a full list of backlinks to each reference. If you do not want this, you can choose to override the backlinks like this... notelist(class#id)!. Produces a list with no backlinks. notelist(class#id)^. Produces a list with only the first backlink. Should you wish to have a specific definition display backlinks differently to this then you can override the backlink method by appending a link override to the _definition_ you wish to customise. note#label. Uses the citelist's setting for backlinks. note#label!. Causes that definition to have no backlinks. note#label^. Causes that definition to have one backlink (to the first ref.) note#label*. Causes that definition to have all backlinks. Any unreferenced notes will be left out of the list unless you explicitly state you want them by adding a '+'. Like this... notelist(class#id)!+. Giving a list of all notes without any backlinks. You can mix and match the list backlink control and unreferenced links controls but the backlink control (if any) must go first. Like so: notelist^+. , not like this: notelist+^. Example... Scientists say[#lavader] the moon is small. note#other. An unreferenced note. note#lavader(myliclass). "Proof":url of a small moon. notelist(myclass#myid)+. Would output (the actual IDs used would be randomised)...

Scientists say1 the moon is small.

  1. a Proof of a small moon.
  2. An unreferenced note.
The 'a b c' backlink characters can be altered too. For example if you wanted the notes to have numeric backlinks starting from 1: notelist:1. Table syntax: Simple tables: |a|simple|table|row| |And|Another|table|row| |With an||empty|cell| |=. My table caption goes here |_. A|_. table|_. header|_.row| |A|simple|table|row| Tables with attributes: table{border:1px solid black}. My table summary here {background:#ddd;color:red}. |{}| | | | To specify thead / tfoot / tbody groups, add one of these on its own line above the row(s) you wish to wrap (you may specify attributes before the dot): |^. # thead |-. # tbody |~. # tfoot Column groups: |:\3. 100| Becomes: You can omit either or both of the \N or width values. You may also add cells after the colgroup definition to specify col elements with span, width, or standard Textile attributes: |:. 50|(firstcol). |\2. 250||300| Becomes: (Note that, per the HTML specification, you should not add span to the colgroup if specifying col elements.) Applying Attributes: Most anywhere Textile code is used, attributes such as arbitrary css style, css classes, and ids can be applied. The syntax is fairly consistent. The following characters quickly alter the alignment of block elements: < -> left align ex. p<. left-aligned para > -> right align h3>. right-aligned header 3 = -> centred h4=. centred header 4 <> -> justified p<>. justified paragraph These will change vertical alignment in table cells: ^ -> top ex. |^. top-aligned table cell| - -> middle |-. middle aligned| ~ -> bottom |~. bottom aligned cell| Plain (parentheses) inserted between block syntax and the closing dot-space indicate classes and ids: p(hector). paragraph ->


p(#fluid). paragraph ->


(classes and ids can be combined) p(hector#fluid). paragraph ->


Curly {brackets} insert arbitrary css style p{line-height:18px}. paragraph ->


h3{color:red}. header 3 ->

header 3

Square [brackets] insert language attributes p[no]. paragraph ->


%[fr]phrase% -> phrase Usually Textile block element syntax requires a dot and space before the block begins, but since lists don't, they can be styled just using braces #{color:blue} one ->
    # big
  1. one
  2. # list
  3. big
  4. list
Using the span tag to style a phrase It goes like this, %{color:red}the fourth the fifth% -> It goes like this, the fourth the fifth */ // define these before including this file to override the standard glyphs @define('txt_quote_single_open', '‘'); @define('txt_quote_single_close', '’'); @define('txt_quote_double_open', '“'); @define('txt_quote_double_close', '”'); @define('txt_apostrophe', '’'); @define('txt_prime', '′'); @define('txt_prime_double', '″'); @define('txt_ellipsis', '…'); @define('txt_emdash', '—'); @define('txt_endash', '–'); @define('txt_dimension', '×'); @define('txt_trademark', '™'); @define('txt_registered', '®'); @define('txt_copyright', '©'); @define('txt_half', '½'); @define('txt_quarter', '¼'); @define('txt_threequarters', '¾'); @define('txt_degrees', '°'); @define('txt_plusminus', '±'); @define('txt_has_unicode', @preg_match('/\pL/u', 'a')); // Detect if Unicode is compiled into PCRE class Textile { var $hlgn; var $vlgn; var $clas; var $lnge; var $styl; var $cspn; var $rspn; var $a; var $s; var $c; var $pnct; var $rel; var $fn; var $shelf = array(); var $restricted = false; var $noimage = false; var $lite = false; var $url_schemes = array(); var $glyph = array(); var $hu = ''; var $max_span_depth = 5; var $ver = '2.3.0'; var $rev = '$Rev$'; var $doc_root; var $doctype; // ------------------------------------------------------------- function Textile( $doctype = 'xhtml' ) { $doctype_whitelist = array( # All lower case please... 'xhtml', 'html5', ); $doctype = strtolower( $doctype ); if( !in_array( $doctype, $doctype_whitelist ) ) $this->doctype = 'xhtml'; else $this->doctype = $doctype; $this->hlgn = "(?:\<(?!>)|(?|\<\>|\=|[()]+(?! ))"; $this->vlgn = "[\-^~]"; $this->clas = "(?:\([^)\n]+\))"; # Don't allow classes/ids/languages/styles to span across newlines $this->lnge = "(?:\[[^]\n]+\])"; $this->styl = "(?:\{[^}\n]+\})"; $this->cspn = "(?:\\\\\d+)"; $this->rspn = "(?:\/\d+)"; $this->a = "(?:{$this->hlgn}|{$this->vlgn})*"; $this->s = "(?:{$this->cspn}|{$this->rspn})*"; $this->c = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge}|{$this->hlgn})*"; $this->lc = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge})*"; $this->pnct = '[\!"#\$%&\'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{\|}\~]'; $this->urlch = '[\w"$\-_.+!*\'(),";\/?:@=&%#{}|\\^~\[\]`]'; $pnc = '[[:punct:]]'; $this->url_schemes = array('http','https','ftp','mailto'); $this->btag = array('bq', 'bc', 'notextile', 'pre', 'h[1-6]', 'fn\d+', 'p', '###' ); if (txt_has_unicode) { $this->regex_snippets = array( 'acr' => '\p{Lu}\p{Nd}', 'abr' => '\p{Lu}', 'nab' => '\p{Ll}', 'wrd' => '(?:\p{L}|\p{M}|\p{N}|\p{Pc})', 'mod' => 'u', # Make sure to mark the unicode patterns as such, Some servers seem to need this. ); } else { $this->regex_snippets = array( 'acr' => 'A-Z0-9', 'abr' => 'A-Z', 'nab' => 'a-z', 'wrd' => '\w', 'mod' => '', ); } extract( $this->regex_snippets ); $this->glyph_search = array( '/('.$wrd.')\'('.$wrd.')/'.$mod, // I'm an apostrophe '/(\s)\'(\d+'.$wrd.'?)\b(?![.]?['.$wrd.']*?\')/'.$mod, // back in '88/the '90s but not in his '90s', '1', '1.' '10m' or '5.png' '/(\S)\'(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // single closing '/\'/', // single opening '/(\S)\"(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // double closing '/"/', // double opening '/\b(['.$abr.']['.$acr.']{2,})\b(?:[(]([^)]*)[)])/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase acronym '/(?<=\s|^|[>(;-])(['.$abr.']{3,})(['.$nab.']*)(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)(?=[^">]*?(<|$))/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase '/([^.]?)\.{3}/', // ellipsis '/(\s?)--(\s?)/', // em dash '/\s-(?:\s|$)/', // en dash '/(\d+)( ?)x( ?)(?=\d+)/', // dimension sign '/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]TM[])]/i', // trademark '/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]R[])]/i', // registered '/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]C[])]/i', // copyright '/[([]1\/4[])]/', // 1/4 '/[([]1\/2[])]/', // 1/2 '/[([]3\/4[])]/', // 3/4 '/[([]o[])]/', // degrees -- that's a small 'oh' '/[([]\+\/-[])]/', // plus minus ); $this->glyph_replace = array( '$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // I'm an apostrophe '$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // back in '88 '$1'.txt_quote_single_close, // single closing txt_quote_single_open, // single opening '$1'.txt_quote_double_close, // double closing txt_quote_double_open, // double opening (('html5' === $this->doctype) ? '$1' : '$1'), // 3+ uppercase acronym 'glyph:$1$2', // 3+ uppercase '$1'.txt_ellipsis, // ellipsis '$1'.txt_emdash.'$2', // em dash ' '.txt_endash.' ', // en dash '$1$2'.txt_dimension.'$3', // dimension sign '$1'.txt_trademark, // trademark '$1'.txt_registered, // registered '$1'.txt_copyright, // copyright txt_quarter, // 1/4 txt_half, // 1/2 txt_threequarters, // 3/4 txt_degrees, // degrees txt_plusminus, // plus minus ); if (defined('hu')) $this->hu = hu; if (defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) $this->ds = constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR'); else $this->ds = '/'; $this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if (!$this->doc_root) $this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; // IIS $this->doc_root = rtrim($this->doc_root, $this->ds).$this->ds; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function TextileThis($text, $lite = '', $encode = '', $noimage = '', $strict = '', $rel = '') { $this->span_depth = 0; $this->tag_index = 1; $this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array(); $this->note_index = 1; $this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : ''; $this->lite = $lite; $this->noimage = $noimage; if ($encode) { $text = $this->incomingEntities($text); $text = str_replace("x%x%", "&", $text); return $text; } else { if(!$strict) { $text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text); } if(!$lite) { $text = $this->block($text); $text = $this->placeNoteLists($text); } $text = $this->retrieve($text); $text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text); $text = $this->retrieveTags($text); $text = $this->retrieveURLs($text); $this->span_depth = 0; // just to be tidy $text = str_replace("
", "
\n", $text); return $text; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function TextileRestricted($text, $lite = 1, $noimage = 1, $rel = 'nofollow') { $this->restricted = true; $this->lite = $lite; $this->noimage = $noimage; $this->span_depth = 0; $this->tag_index = 1; $this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array(); $this->note_index = 1; $this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : ''; // escape any raw html $text = $this->encode_html($text, 0); $text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text); if($lite) { $text = $this->blockLite($text); } else { $text = $this->block($text); $text = $this->placeNoteLists($text); } $text = $this->retrieve($text); $text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text); $text = $this->retrieveTags($text); $text = $this->retrieveURLs($text); $this->span_depth = 0; // just to be tidy $text = str_replace("
", "
\n", $text); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function cleanba( $in ) { $tmp = $in; $before = -1; $after = 0; $max = 3; $i = 0; while( ($after != $before) && ($i < $max) ) { $before = strlen( $tmp ); $tmp = rawurldecode($tmp); $after = strlen( $tmp ); $i++; } if( $i === $max ) # If we hit the max allowed decodes, assume the input is tainted and consume it. $out = ''; else $out = strtr( $tmp, array( '"'=>'', "'"=>'', '='=>'', )); return $out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function pba($in, $element = "", $include_id = 1, $algn = '') // "parse block attributes" { $style = ''; $class = ''; $autoclass = ''; $lang = ''; $colspan = ''; $rowspan = ''; $span = ''; $width = ''; $id = ''; $atts = ''; $align = ''; if (!empty($in)) { $matched = $in; if ($element == 'td') { if (preg_match("/\\\\(\d+)/", $matched, $csp)) $colspan = $csp[1]; if (preg_match("/\/(\d+)/", $matched, $rsp)) $rowspan = $rsp[1]; } if ($element == 'td' or $element == 'tr') { if (preg_match("/($this->vlgn)/", $matched, $vert)) $style[] = "vertical-align:" . $this->vAlign($vert[1]); } if (preg_match("/\{([^}]*)\}/", $matched, $sty)) { $style[] = rtrim($sty[1], ';'); $matched = str_replace($sty[0], '', $matched); } if (preg_match("/\[([^]]+)\]/U", $matched, $lng)) { $matched = str_replace($lng[0], '', $matched); # Consume entire lang block -- valid or invalid... if (preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z]{2}(?:[\-\_][a-zA-Z]{2})?)\]/U", $lng[0], $lng)) { $lang = $lng[1]; } } if (preg_match("/\(([^()]+)\)/U", $matched, $cls)) { $matched = str_replace($cls[0], '', $matched); # Consume entire class block -- valid or invalid... # Only allow a restricted subset of the CSS standard characters for classes/ids. No encoding markers allowed... if (preg_match("/\(([-a-zA-Z 0-9_\.\:\#]+)\)/U", $cls[0], $cls)) { $hashpos = strpos( $cls[1], '#' ); # If a textile class block attribute was found with a '#' in it # split it into the css class and css id... if( false !== $hashpos ) { if (preg_match("/#([-a-zA-Z0-9_\.\:]*)$/", substr( $cls[1], $hashpos ), $ids)) $id = $ids[1]; if (preg_match("/^([-a-zA-Z 0-9_]*)/", substr( $cls[1], 0, $hashpos ), $ids)) $class = $ids[1]; } else { if (preg_match("/^([-a-zA-Z 0-9_]*)$/", $cls[1], $ids)) $class = $ids[1]; } } } if( 'image' === $element && '' !== $algn ) { $vals = array( '<' => 'left', '=' => 'center', '>' => 'right'); if ( isset($vals[$algn]) ) { if( 'html5' === $this->doctype ) $autoclass = " align-{$vals[$algn]}"; else $align = $vals[$algn]; } } if (preg_match("/([(]+)/", $matched, $pl)) { $style[] = "padding-left:" . strlen($pl[1]) . "em"; $matched = str_replace($pl[0], '', $matched); } if (preg_match("/([)]+)/", $matched, $pr)) { $style[] = "padding-right:" . strlen($pr[1]) . "em"; $matched = str_replace($pr[0], '', $matched); } if (preg_match("/($this->hlgn)/", $matched, $horiz)) $style[] = "text-align:" . $this->hAlign($horiz[1]); if ($element == 'col') { if (preg_match("/(?:\\\\(\d+))?\s*(\d+)?/", $matched, $csp)) { $span = isset($csp[1]) ? $csp[1] : ''; $width = isset($csp[2]) ? $csp[2] : ''; } } if ($this->restricted) { $class = trim( $autoclass ); return join( '', array( ($lang) ? ' lang="' . $this->cleanba($lang) . '"': '', ($class) ? ' class="' . $this->cleanba($class) . '"': '', )); } else $class = trim( $class . $autoclass ); $o = ''; if( $style ) { foreach($style as $s) { $parts = explode(';', $s); foreach( $parts as $p ) { $p = trim($p, '; '); if( !empty( $p ) ) $o .= $p.'; '; } } $style = trim( strtr($o, array("\n"=>'',';;'=>';')) ); } return join('',array( ($style) ? ' style="' . $this->cleanba($style) .'"' : '', ($class) ? ' class="' . $this->cleanba($class) .'"' : '', ($lang) ? ' lang="' . $this->cleanba($lang) .'"' : '', ($id and $include_id) ? ' id="' . $this->cleanba($id) .'"' : '', ($colspan) ? ' colspan="' . $this->cleanba($colspan) .'"' : '', ($rowspan) ? ' rowspan="' . $this->cleanba($rowspan) .'"' : '', ($span) ? ' span="' . $this->cleanba($span) .'"' : '', ($width) ? ' width="' . $this->cleanba($width) .'"' : '', ($align) ? ' align="' . $this->cleanba($align) .'"' : '', )); } return ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function hasRawText($text) { // checks whether the text has text not already enclosed by a block tag $r = trim(preg_replace('@<(p|blockquote|div|form|table|ul|ol|dl|pre|h\d)[^>]*?'.chr(62).'.*@s', '', trim($text))); $r = trim(preg_replace('@<(hr|br)[^>]*?/>@', '', $r)); return '' != $r; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function table($text) { $text = $text . "\n\n"; return preg_replace_callback("/^(?:table(_?{$this->s}{$this->a}{$this->c})\.(.*)?\n)?^({$this->a}{$this->c}\.? ?\|.*\|)[\s]*\n\n/smU", array(&$this, "fTable"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fTable($matches) { $tatts = $this->pba($matches[1], 'table'); $sum = trim($matches[2]) ? ' summary="'.htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[2])).'"' : ''; $cap = ''; $colgrp = $last_rgrp = ''; $c_row = 1; foreach(preg_split("/\|\s*?$/m", $matches[3], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $row) { $row = ltrim($row); // Caption -- can only occur on row 1, otherwise treat '|=. foo |...' as a normal center-aligned cell. if ( ($c_row <= 1) && preg_match("/^\|\=($this->s$this->a$this->c)\. ([^\n]*)(.*)/s", ltrim($row), $cmtch)) { $capts = $this->pba($cmtch[1]); $cap = "\t".trim($cmtch[2])."\n"; $row = ltrim($cmtch[3]); if( empty($row) ) continue; } $c_row += 1; // Colgroup if (preg_match("/^\|:($this->s$this->a$this->c\. .*)/m", ltrim($row), $gmtch)) { $nl = strpos($row,"\n"); # Is this colgroup def missing a closing pipe? If so, there will be a newline in the middle of $row somewhere. $idx=0; foreach (explode('|', str_replace('.', '', $gmtch[1])) as $col) { $gatts = $this->pba(trim($col), 'col'); $colgrp .= "\t" : $gatts." />")."\n"; $idx++; } $colgrp .= "\t\n"; if($nl === false) { continue; } else { $row = ltrim(substr( $row, $nl )); # Recover from our missing pipe and process the rest of the line... } } preg_match("/(:?^\|($this->vlgn)($this->s$this->a$this->c)\.\s*$\n)?^(.*)/sm", ltrim($row), $grpmatch); // Row group $rgrp = isset($grpmatch[2]) ? (($grpmatch[2] == '^') ? 'head' : ( ($grpmatch[2] == '~') ? 'foot' : (($grpmatch[2] == '-') ? 'body' : '' ) ) ) : ''; $rgrpatts = isset($grpmatch[3]) ? $this->pba($grpmatch[3]) : ''; $row = $grpmatch[4]; if (preg_match("/^($this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/m", ltrim($row), $rmtch)) { $ratts = $this->pba($rmtch[1], 'tr'); $row = $rmtch[2]; } else $ratts = ''; $cells = array(); $cellctr = 0; foreach(explode("|", $row) as $cell) { $ctyp = "d"; if (preg_match("/^_/", $cell)) $ctyp = "h"; if (preg_match("/^(_?$this->s$this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/", $cell, $cmtch)) { $catts = $this->pba($cmtch[1], 'td'); $cell = $cmtch[2]; } else $catts = ''; $cell = $this->graf($cell); if ($cellctr>0) // Ignore first 'cell': it precedes the opening pipe $cells[] = $this->doTagBr("t$ctyp", "\t\t\t$cell"); $cellctr++; } $grp = (($rgrp && $last_rgrp) ? "\t\n" : '') . (($rgrp) ? "\t\n" : ''); $last_rgrp = ($rgrp) ? $rgrp : $last_rgrp; $rows[] = $grp."\t\t\n" . join("\n", $cells) . ($cells ? "\n" : "") . "\t\t"; unset($cells, $catts); } return "\t\n" .$cap. $colgrp. join("\n", $rows) . "\n".(($last_rgrp) ? "\t\n" : '')."\t\n\n"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function lists($text) { return preg_replace_callback("/^([#*;:]+$this->lc[ .].*)$(?![^#*;:])/smU", array(&$this, "fList"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fList($m) { $text = preg_split('/\n(?=[*#;:])/m', $m[0]); $pt = ''; foreach($text as $nr => $line) { $nextline = isset($text[$nr+1]) ? $text[$nr+1] : false; if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .](.*)$/s", $line, $m)) { list(, $tl, $atts, $content) = $m; $content = trim($content); $nl = ''; $ltype = $this->lT($tl); $litem = (strpos($tl, ';') !== false) ? 'dt' : ((strpos($tl, ':') !== false) ? 'dd' : 'li'); $showitem = (strlen($content) > 0); if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .].*/", $nextline, $nm)) $nl = $nm[1]; if ((strpos($pt, ';') !== false) && (strpos($tl, ':') !== false)) { $lists[$tl] = 2; // We're already in a
so flag not to start another } $atts = $this->pba($atts); if (!isset($lists[$tl])) { $lists[$tl] = 1; $line = "\t<" . $ltype . "l$atts>" . (($showitem) ? "\n\t\t<$litem>" . $content : ''); } else { $line = ($showitem) ? "\t\t<$litem$atts>" . $content : ''; } if((strlen($nl) <= strlen($tl))) $line .= (($showitem) ? "" : ''); foreach(array_reverse($lists) as $k => $v) { if(strlen($k) > strlen($nl)) { $line .= ($v==2) ? '' : "\n\tlT($k) . "l>"; if((strlen($k) > 1) && ($v != 2)) $line .= ""; unset($lists[$k]); } } $pt = $tl; // Remember the current Textile tag } else { $line .= "\n"; } $out[] = $line; } return $this->doTagBr($litem, join("\n", $out)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function lT($in) { return preg_match("/^#+/", $in) ? 'o' : ((preg_match("/^\*+/", $in)) ? 'u' : 'd'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function doTagBr($tag, $in) { return preg_replace_callback('@<('.preg_quote($tag).')([^>]*?)>(.*)()@s', array(&$this, 'fBr'), $in); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function doPBr($in) { return preg_replace_callback('@<(p)([^>]*?)>(.*)()@s', array(&$this, 'fPBr'), $in); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fPBr($m) { # Less restrictive version of fBr() ... used only in paragraphs where the next # row may start with a smiley or perhaps something like '#8 bolt...' or '*** stars...' $content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?|
)\n(?![\s|])@", '$1
', $m[3]); return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fBr($m) { $content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?|
)\n(?![#*;:\s|])@", '$1
', $m[3]); return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function block($text) { $find = $this->btag; $tre = join('|', $find); $text = explode("\n\n", $text); $tag = 'p'; $atts = $cite = $graf = $ext = ''; $eat = false; $out = array(); foreach($text as $line) { $anon = 0; if (preg_match("/^($tre)($this->a$this->c)\.(\.?)(?::(\S+))? (.*)$/s", $line, $m)) { // last block was extended, so close it if ($ext) $out[count($out)-1] .= $c1; // new block list(,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf) = $m; list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf)); // leave off c1 if this block is extended, we'll close it at the start of the next block if ($ext) $line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2; else $line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2.$c1; } else { // anonymous block $anon = 1; if ($ext or !preg_match('/^ /', $line)) { list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$line)); // skip $o1/$c1 because this is part of a continuing extended block if ($tag == 'p' and !$this->hasRawText($content)) { $line = $content; } else { $line = $o2.$content.$c2; } } else { $line = $this->graf($line); } } $line = $this->doPBr($line); $line = preg_replace('/
/', '
', $line); if ($ext and $anon) $out[count($out)-1] .= "\n".$line; elseif(!$eat) $out[] = $line; if (!$ext) { $tag = 'p'; $atts = ''; $cite = ''; $graf = ''; $eat = false; } } if ($ext) $out[count($out)-1] .= $c1; return join("\n\n", $out); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fBlock($m) { extract($this->regex_snippets); list(, $tag, $att, $ext, $cite, $content) = $m; $atts = $this->pba($att); $o1 = $o2 = $c2 = $c1 = ''; $eat = false; if( $tag === 'p' ) { # Is this an anonymous block with a note definition? $notedef = preg_replace_callback("/ ^note\# # start of note def marker ([^%<*!@#^([{.]+) # !label ([*!^]?) # !link ({$this->c}) # !att \.[\s]+ # end of def marker (.*)$ # !content /x$mod", array(&$this, "fParseNoteDefs"), $content); if( '' === $notedef ) # It will be empty if the regex matched and ate it. return array($o1, $o2, $notedef, $c2, $c1, true); } if (preg_match("/fn(\d+)/", $tag, $fns)) { $tag = 'p'; $fnid = empty($this->fn[$fns[1]]) ? $fns[1] : $this->fn[$fns[1]]; # If there is an author-specified ID goes on the wrapper & the auto-id gets pushed to the $supp_id = ''; if (strpos($atts, ' id=') === false) $atts .= ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"'; else $supp_id = ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"'; if (strpos($atts, 'class=') === false) $atts .= ' class="footnote"'; $backlink = (strpos($att, '^') === false) ? $fns[1] : ''.$fns[1].''; $sup = "$backlink"; $content = $sup . ' ' . $content; } if ($tag == "bq") { $cite = $this->shelveURL($cite); $cite = ($cite != '') ? ' cite="' . $cite . '"' : ''; $o1 = "\t\n"; $o2 = "\t\tpba($att, '', 0).">"; $c2 = "

"; $c1 = "\n\t"; } elseif ($tag == 'bc') { $o1 = ""; $o2 = "pba($att, '', 0).">"; $c2 = ""; $c1 = ""; $content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n")); } elseif ($tag == 'notextile') { $content = $this->shelve($content); $o1 = $o2 = ''; $c1 = $c2 = ''; } elseif ($tag == 'pre') { $content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n")); $o1 = ""; $o2 = $c2 = ''; $c1 = ""; } elseif ($tag == '###') { $eat = true; } else { $o2 = "\t<$tag$atts>"; $c2 = ""; } $content = (!$eat) ? $this->graf($content) : ''; return array($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function graf($text) { // handle normal paragraph text if (!$this->lite) { $text = $this->noTextile($text); $text = $this->code($text); } $text = $this->getRefs($text); $text = $this->links($text); if (!$this->noimage) $text = $this->image($text); if (!$this->lite) { $text = $this->table($text); $text = $this->lists($text); } $text = $this->span($text); $text = $this->footnoteRef($text); $text = $this->noteRef($text); $text = $this->glyphs($text); return rtrim($text, "\n"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function span($text) { $qtags = array('\*\*','\*','\?\?','-','__','_','%','\+','~','\^'); $pnct = ".,\"'?!;:‹›«»„“”‚‘’"; $this->span_depth++; if( $this->span_depth <= $this->max_span_depth ) { foreach($qtags as $f) { $text = preg_replace_callback("/ (^|(?<=[\s>$pnct\(])|[{[]) # pre ($f)(?!$f) # tag ({$this->c}) # atts (?::(\S+))? # cite ([^\s$f]+|\S.*?[^\s$f\n]) # content ([$pnct]*) # end $f ($|[\[\]}<]|(?=[$pnct]{1,2}|\s|\))) # tail /xu", array(&$this, "fSpan"), $text); } } $this->span_depth--; return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fSpan($m) { $qtags = array( '*' => 'strong', '**' => 'b', '??' => 'cite', '_' => 'em', '__' => 'i', '-' => 'del', '%' => 'span', '+' => 'ins', '~' => 'sub', '^' => 'sup', ); list(, $pre, $tag, $atts, $cite, $content, $end, $tail) = $m; $tag = $qtags[$tag]; $atts = $this->pba($atts); $atts .= ($cite != '') ? 'cite="' . $cite . '"' : ''; $content = $this->span($content); $opentag = '<'.$tag.$atts.'>'; $closetag = ''; $tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag); $out = "{$tags['open']}{$content}{$end}{$tags['close']}"; if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre)) $out = $pre.$out.$tail; return $out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function storeTags($opentag,$closetag='') { $key = ($this->tag_index++); $key = str_pad( (string)$key, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); # $key must be of fixed length to allow proper matching in retrieveTags $this->tagCache[$key] = array('open'=>$opentag, 'close'=>$closetag); $tags = array( 'open' => "textileopentag{$key} ", 'close' => " textileclosetag{$key}", ); return $tags; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function retrieveTags($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback('/textileopentag([\d]{10}) /' , array(&$this, 'fRetrieveOpenTags'), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback('/ textileclosetag([\d]{10})/', array(&$this, 'fRetrieveCloseTags'), $text); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fRetrieveOpenTags($m) { list(, $key ) = $m; return $this->tagCache[$key]['open']; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fRetrieveCloseTags($m) { list(, $key ) = $m; return $this->tagCache[$key]['close']; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function placeNoteLists($text) { extract($this->regex_snippets); # Sequence all referenced definitions... if( !empty($this->notes) ) { $o = array(); foreach( $this->notes as $label=>$info ) { $i = @$info['seq']; if( !empty($i) ) { $info['seq'] = $label; $o[$i] = $info; } else { $this->unreferencedNotes[] = $info; # unreferenced definitions go here for possible future use. } } if( !empty($o) ) ksort($o); $this->notes = $o; } # Replace list markers... $text = preg_replace_callback("@


@U$mod", array(&$this, "fNoteLists"), $text ); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fNoteLists($m) { list(, $att, $start_char, $g_links, $extras) = $m; if( !$start_char ) $start_char = 'a'; $index = $g_links.$extras.$start_char; if( empty($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ) { # If not in cache, build the entry... $o = array(); if( !empty($this->notes)) { foreach($this->notes as $seq=>$info) { $links = $this->makeBackrefLink($info, $g_links, $start_char ); if( !empty($info['def'])) { $id = $info['id']; extract($info['def']); $o[] = "\t".''.$links.' '.$content.''; } else { $o[] = "\t".''.$links.' Undefined Note [#'.$info['seq'].'].'; } } } if( '+' == $extras && !empty($this->unreferencedNotes) ) { foreach($this->unreferencedNotes as $seq=>$info) { if( !empty($info['def'])) { extract($info['def']); $o[] = "\t".''.$content.''; } } } $this->notelist_cache[$index] = join("\n",$o); } $_ = ($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ? $this->notelist_cache[$index] : ''; if( !empty($_) ) { $list_atts = $this->pba($att); $_ = "\n$_\n"; } return $_; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function makeBackrefLink( &$info, $g_links, $i ) { $atts = $content = $id = $link = ''; @extract( $info['def'] ); $backlink_type = ($link) ? $link : $g_links; $i_ = strtr( $this->encode_high($i) , array('&'=>'', ';'=>'', '#'=>'')); $decode = (strlen($i) !== strlen($i_)); if( $backlink_type === '!' ) return ''; elseif( $backlink_type === '^' ) return ''.$i.''; else { $_ = array(); foreach( $info['refids'] as $id ) { $_[] = ''. ( ($decode) ? $this->decode_high('&#'.$i_.';') : $i_ ) .''; $i_++; } $_ = join( ' ', $_ ); return $_; } return ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fParseNoteDefs($m) { list(, $label, $link, $att, $content) = $m; # Assign an id if the note reference parse hasn't found the label yet. $id = @$this->notes[$label]['id']; if( !$id ) $this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand()); if( empty($this->notes[$label]['def']) ) # Ignores subsequent defs using the same label { $this->notes[$label]['def'] = array( 'atts' => $this->pba($att), 'content' => $this->graf($content), 'link' => $link, ); } return ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function noteRef($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback("/ \[ # start ({$this->c}) # !atts \# ([^\]!]+?) # !label ([!]?) # !nolink \] /Ux", array(&$this, "fParseNoteRefs"), $text); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fParseNoteRefs($m) { # By the time this function is called, all the defs will have been processed # into the notes array. So now we can resolve the link numbers in the order # we process the refs... list(, $atts, $label, $nolink) = $m; $atts = $this->pba($atts); $nolink = ($nolink === '!'); # Assign a sequence number to this reference if there isn't one already... $num = @$this->notes[$label]['seq']; if( !$num ) $num = $this->notes[$label]['seq'] = ($this->note_index++); # Make our anchor point & stash it for possible use in backlinks when the # note list is generated later... $this->notes[$label]['refids'][] = $refid = uniqid(rand()); # If we are referencing a note that hasn't had the definition parsed yet, then assign it an ID... $id = @$this->notes[$label]['id']; if( !$id ) $id = $this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand()); # Build the link (if any)... $_ = ''.$num.''; if( !$nolink ) $_ = ''.$_.''; # Build the reference... $_ = ''.$_.''; return $_; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function links($text) { return preg_replace_callback('/ (^|(?<=[\s>.\(])|[{[]) # $pre " # start (' . $this->c . ') # $atts ([^"]+?) # $text (?:\(([^)]+?)\)(?="))? # $title ": ('.$this->urlch.'+?) # $url (\/)? # $slash ([^\w\/;]*?) # $post ([\]}]|(?=\s|$|\))) /x', array(&$this, "fLink"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fLink($m) { list(, $pre, $atts, $text, $title, $url, $slash, $post, $tail) = $m; if( '$' === $text ) $text = $url; $atts = $this->pba($atts); $atts .= ($title != '') ? ' title="' . $this->encode_html($title) . '"' : ''; if (!$this->noimage) $text = $this->image($text); $text = $this->span($text); $text = $this->glyphs($text); $url = $this->shelveURL($url.$slash); $opentag = 'rel . '>'; $closetag = ''; $tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag); $out = $tags['open'].trim($text).$tags['close']; if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre)) { $out = $pre.$out.$post.$tail; $post = ''; } return $this->shelve($out).$post; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function getRefs($text) { return preg_replace_callback("/^\[(.+)\]((?:http:\/\/|\/)\S+)(?=\s|$)/Um", array(&$this, "refs"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function refs($m) { list(, $flag, $url) = $m; $this->urlrefs[$flag] = $url; return ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function shelveURL($text) { if ('' === $text) return ''; $ref = md5($text); $this->urlshelf[$ref] = $text; return 'urlref:'.$ref; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function retrieveURLs($text) { return preg_replace_callback('/urlref:(\w{32})/', array(&$this, "retrieveURL"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function retrieveURL($m) { $ref = $m[1]; if (!isset($this->urlshelf[$ref])) return $ref; $url = $this->urlshelf[$ref]; if (isset($this->urlrefs[$url])) $url = $this->urlrefs[$url]; return $this->r_encode_html($this->relURL($url)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function relURL($url) { $parts = @parse_url(urldecode($url)); if ((empty($parts['scheme']) or @$parts['scheme'] == 'http') and empty($parts['host']) and preg_match('/^\w/', @$parts['path'])) $url = $this->hu.$url; if ($this->restricted and !empty($parts['scheme']) and !in_array($parts['scheme'], $this->url_schemes)) return '#'; return $url; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function isRelURL($url) { $parts = @parse_url($url); return (empty($parts['scheme']) and empty($parts['host'])); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function image($text) { return preg_replace_callback("/ (?:[[{])? # pre \! # opening ! (\<|\=|\>)? # optional alignment atts ($this->c) # optional style,class atts (?:\. )? # optional dot-space ([^\s(!]+) # presume this is the src \s? # optional space (?:\(([^\)]+)\))? # optional title \! # closing (?::(\S+))? # optional href (?:[\]}]|(?=\s|$|\))) # lookahead: space or end of string /x", array(&$this, "fImage"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fImage($m) { list(, $algn, $atts, $url) = $m; $url = htmlspecialchars($url); $atts = $this->pba($atts , 'image' , 1 , $algn); if(isset($m[4])) { $m[4] = htmlspecialchars($m[4]); $atts .= ' title="' . $m[4] . '" alt="' . $m[4] . '"'; } else $atts .= ' alt=""'; $size = false; if ($this->isRelUrl($url)) $size = @getimagesize(realpath($this->doc_root.ltrim($url, $this->ds))); if ($size) $atts .= " $size[3]"; $href = (isset($m[5])) ? $this->shelveURL($m[5]) : ''; $url = $this->shelveURL($url); $out = array( ($href) ? 'rel .'>' : '', '', ($href) ? '' : '' ); return $this->shelve(join('',$out)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function code($text) { $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '', '', 'fCode'); $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '@', '@', 'fCode'); $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '
', '
', 'fPre'); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fCode($m) { @list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m; return $before.$this->shelve(''.$this->r_encode_html($text).'').$after; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fPre($m) { @list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m; return $before.'
'.$after; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function shelve($val) { $i = uniqid(rand()); $this->shelf[$i] = $val; return $i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function retrieve($text) { if (is_array($this->shelf)) do { $old = $text; $text = strtr($text, $this->shelf); } while ($text != $old); return $text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: deprecated function incomingEntities($text) { return preg_replace("/&(?![#a-z0-9]+;)/i", "x%x%", $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: deprecated function encodeEntities($text) { return (function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity')) ? $this->encode_high($text) : htmlentities($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, "utf-8"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: deprecated function fixEntities($text) { /* de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands */ return str_replace(array(">", "<", "&"), array(">", "<", "&"), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function cleanWhiteSpace($text) { $out = preg_replace("/^\xEF\xBB\xBF|\x1A/", '', $text); # Byte order mark (if present) $out = preg_replace("/\r\n?/", "\n", $out); # DOS and MAC line endings to *NIX style endings $out = preg_replace("/^[ \t]*\n/m", "\n", $out); # lines containing only whitespace $out = preg_replace("/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $out); # 3 or more line ends $out = preg_replace("/^\n*/", "", $out); # leading blank lines return $out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function doSpecial($text, $start, $end, $method='fSpecial') { return preg_replace_callback('/(^|\s|[[({>])'.preg_quote($start, '/').'(.*?)'.preg_quote($end, '/').'(\s|$|[\])}])?/ms', array(&$this, $method), $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fSpecial($m) { // A special block like notextile or code @list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m; return $before.$this->shelve($this->encode_html($text)).$after; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function noTextile($text) { $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '', '', 'fTextile'); return $this->doSpecial($text, '==', '==', 'fTextile'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function fTextile($m) { @list(, $before, $notextile, $after) = $m; #$notextile = str_replace(array_keys($modifiers), array_values($modifiers), $notextile); return $before.$this->shelve($notextile).$after; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function footnoteRef($text) { return preg_replace('/(?<=\S)\[([0-9]+)([\!]?)\](\s)?/Ue', '$this->footnoteID(\'\1\',\'\2\',\'\3\')', $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function footnoteID($id, $nolink, $t) { $backref = ''; if (empty($this->fn[$id])) { $this->fn[$id] = $a = uniqid(rand()); $backref = 'id="fnrev'.$a.'" '; } $fnid = $this->fn[$id]; $footref = ( '!' == $nolink ) ? $id : ''.$id.''; $footref = ''.$footref.''; return $footref; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function glyphs($text) { // fix: hackish -- adds a space if final char of text is a double quote. $text = preg_replace('/"\z/', "\" ", $text); $text = preg_split("@(<[\w/!?].*>)@Us", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $i = 0; foreach($text as $line) { // text tag text tag text ... if (++$i % 2) { // raw < > & chars are already entity encoded in restricted mode if (!$this->restricted) { $line = $this->encode_raw_amp($line); $line = $this->encode_lt_gt($line); } $line = preg_replace($this->glyph_search, $this->glyph_replace, $line); } $glyph_out[] = $line; } return join('', $glyph_out); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function replaceGlyphs($text) { return preg_replace('/glyph:([^<]+)/','$1',$text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function hAlign($in) { $vals = array( '<' => 'left', '=' => 'center', '>' => 'right', '<>' => 'justify'); return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function vAlign($in) { $vals = array( '^' => 'top', '-' => 'middle', '~' => 'bottom'); return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : ''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: used in notelists function encode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8") { return mb_encode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: used in notelists function decode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8") { return mb_decode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function cmap() { $f = 0xffff; $cmap = array( 0x0080, 0xffff, 0, $f); return $cmap; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function encode_raw_amp($text) { return preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/i', '&', $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function encode_lt_gt($text) { return strtr($text, array('<' => '<', '>' => '>')); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function encode_quot($text) { return str_replace('"', '"', $text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function encode_html($str, $quotes=1) { $a = array( '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', ); if ($quotes) $a = $a + array( "'" => ''', // numeric, as in htmlspecialchars '"' => '"', ); return strtr($str, $a); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function r_encode_html($str, $quotes=1) { // in restricted mode, all input but quotes has already been escaped if ($this->restricted) return $this->encode_quot($str); return $this->encode_html($str, $quotes); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function textile_popup_help($name, $helpvar, $windowW, $windowH) { return ' ' . $name . '
'; return $out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: deprecated function txtgps($thing) { if (isset($_POST[$thing])) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($_POST[$thing]); } else { return $_POST[$thing]; } } else { return ''; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: deprecated function dump() { static $bool = array( 0=>'false', 1=>'true' ); foreach (func_get_args() as $a) echo "\n
",(is_array($a)) ? print_r($a) : ((is_bool($a)) ? $bool[(int)$a] : $a), "
\n"; return $this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- function blockLite($text) { $this->btag = array('bq', 'p'); return $this->block($text."\n\n"); } } // end class