array( 'default' => array( 'class' => 'LoggerAppenderEcho', 'layout' => array( 'class' => 'LoggerLayoutTTCC', ), 'filters' => array( array( 'class' => 'LoggerFilterLevelRange', 'params' => array( 'levelMin' => 'ERROR', 'levelMax' => 'FATAL', 'acceptOnMatch' => 'false', ), ), array( 'class' => 'LoggerFilterDenyAll', ), ), ), 'file' => array( 'class' => 'LoggerAppenderDailyFile', 'layout' => array( 'class' => 'LoggerLayoutPattern', 'params' => array( 'conversionPattern' => '%d{ISO8601} [%p] %c: %m (at %F line %L)%n', ), ), 'params' => array( 'datePattern' => 'Ymd', 'file' => 'target/examples/daily_%s.log', ), 'threshold' => 'warn' ), ), 'loggers' => array( '' => array( 'level' => 'trace', 'additivity' => 'false', 'appenders' => array('default'), ), '' => array( 'level' => 'debug', 'additivity' => 'true', 'appenders' => array('file'), ), 'foo' => array( 'level' => 'warn', 'appenders' => array('default', 'file'), ), ), 'renderers' => array( array( 'renderedClass' => 'Fruit', 'renderingClass' => 'FruitRenderer', ), array( 'renderedClass' => 'Beer', 'renderingClass' => 'BeerRenderer', ), ), 'threshold' => 'debug', 'rootLogger' => array( 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'appenders' => array('default'), ), ); public function setUp() { Logger::resetConfiguration(); } public function tearDown() { Logger::resetConfiguration(); } public function testConversion() { $url = PHPUNIT_CONFIG_DIR . '/adapters/xml/config_valid.xml'; $adapter = new LoggerConfigurationAdapterXML(); $actual = $adapter->convert($url); $this->assertEquals($this->expected1, $actual); } /** * Test exception is thrown when file cannot be found. * @expectedException LoggerException * @expectedExceptionMessage File [you/will/never/find/me.conf] does not exist. */ public function testNonExistantFile() { $adapter = new LoggerConfigurationAdapterXML(); $adapter->convert('you/will/never/find/me.conf'); } /** * Test exception is thrown when file contains invalid XML. * @expectedException LoggerException * @expectedExceptionMessage Error loading configuration file: Premature end of data in tag configuration line */ public function testInvalidXMLFile() { $url = PHPUNIT_CONFIG_DIR . '/adapters/xml/config_invalid_syntax.xml'; $adapter = new LoggerConfigurationAdapterXML(); $adapter->convert($url); } /** * Test that a warning is triggered when two loggers with the same name * are defined. * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error * @expectedExceptionMessage log4php: Duplicate logger definition [foo]. Overwriting */ public function testDuplicateLoggerWarning() { $url = PHPUNIT_CONFIG_DIR . '/adapters/xml/config_duplicate_logger.xml'; $adapter = new LoggerConfigurationAdapterXML(); $adapter->convert($url); } /** * Test that when two loggers with the same name are defined, the second * one will overwrite the first. */ public function testDuplicateLoggerConfig() { $url = PHPUNIT_CONFIG_DIR . '/adapters/xml/config_duplicate_logger.xml'; $adapter = new LoggerConfigurationAdapterXML(); // Supress the warning so that test can continue $config = @$adapter->convert($url); // Second definition of foo has level set to warn (the first to info) $this->assertEquals('warn', $config['loggers']['foo']['level']); } } ?>