* Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 21:51:04 +0200 (CEST) * From: someone@example.com * To: root@localhost * Subject: Log4php test * * Tue Sep 8 21:51:04 2009,120 [5485] FATAL root - Some critical message! * * * @version $Revision$ * @package log4php * @subpackage appenders */ class LoggerAppenderMailEvent extends LoggerAppender { /** 'from' field (defaults to 'sendmail_from' from php.ini on win32). * @var string */ protected $from; /** Mailserver port (win32 only). * @var integer */ protected $port = 25; /** Mailserver hostname (win32 only). * @var string */ protected $smtpHost = null; /** * @var string 'subject' field */ protected $subject = ''; /** * @var string 'to' field */ protected $to = null; /** @var indiciates if this appender should run in dry mode */ protected $dry = false; public function activateOptions() { if (empty($this->layout)) { throw new LoggerException("LoggerAppenderMailEvent requires layout!"); } if (empty($this->to)) { throw new LoggerException("LoggerAppenderMailEvent was initialized with empty 'from' ($this->from) or 'to' ($this->to) Adress!"); } $sendmail_from = ini_get('sendmail_from'); if (empty($this->from) and empty($sendmail_from)) { throw new LoggerException("LoggerAppenderMailEvent requires 'from' or on win32 at least the ini variable sendmail_from!"); } $this->closed = false; } public function setFrom($from) { $this->setString('from', $from); } public function setPort($port) { $this->setPositiveInteger('port', $port); } public function setSmtpHost($smtpHost) { $this->setString('smtpHost', $smtpHost); } public function setSubject($subject) { $this->setString('subject', $subject); } public function setTo($to) { $this->setString('to', $to); } public function setDry($dry) { $this->setBoolean('dry', $dry); } public function append(LoggerLoggingEvent $event) { $smtpHost = $this->smtpHost; $prevSmtpHost = ini_get('SMTP'); if(!empty($smtpHost)) { ini_set('SMTP', $smtpHost); } $smtpPort = $this->port; $prevSmtpPort= ini_get('smtp_port'); if($smtpPort > 0 and $smtpPort < 65535) { ini_set('smtp_port', $smtpPort); } // On unix only sendmail_path, which is PHP_INI_SYSTEM i.e. not changeable here, is used. $addHeader = empty($this->from) ? '' : "From: {$this->from}\r\n"; if(!$this->dry) { $result = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->layout->getHeader() . $this->layout->format($event) . $this->layout->getFooter($event), $addHeader); } else { echo "DRY MODE OF MAIL APP.: Send mail to: ".$this->to." with additional headers '".trim($addHeader)."' and content: ".$this->layout->format($event); } ini_set('SMTP', $prevSmtpHost); ini_set('smtp_port', $prevSmtpPort); } }