getName(); if(empty($name)) { trigger_error('log4php: Cannot add unnamed appender to pool.', E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (isset(self::$appenders[$name])) { trigger_error("log4php: Appender [$name] already exists in pool. Overwriting existing appender.", E_USER_WARNING); } self::$appenders[$name] = $appender; } /** * Retrieves an appender from the pool by name. * @param string $name Name of the appender to retrieve. * @return LoggerAppender The named appender or NULL if no such appender * exists in the pool. */ public static function get($name) { return isset(self::$appenders[$name]) ? self::$appenders[$name] : null; } /** * Removes an appender from the pool by name. * @param string $name Name of the appender to remove. */ public static function delete($name) { unset(self::$appenders[$name]); } /** * Returns all appenders from the pool. * @return array Array of LoggerAppender objects. */ public static function getAppenders() { return self::$appenders; } /** * Checks whether an appender exists in the pool. * @param string $name Name of the appender to look for. * @return boolean TRUE if the appender with the given name exists. */ public static function exists($name) { return isset(self::$appenders[$name]); } /** * Clears all appenders from the pool. */ public static function clear() { self::$appenders = array(); } }