#region Apache License // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #endregion using System; using log4net.Util; using NUnit.Framework; #if NET_4_0 || MONO_4_0 || NETSTANDARD1_3 using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; #endif namespace log4net.Tests.Util { /// /// Used for internal unit testing the class. /// [TestFixture] public class SystemInfoTest { #if NET_4_0 || MONO_4_0 || NETSTANDARD1_3 /// /// It's "does not throw not supported exception" NOT /// "returns 'Dynamic Assembly' string for dynamic assemblies" by purpose. /// can be JITted and inlined in different release configurations, /// thus we cannot determine what the exact result of this test will be. /// In 'Debug' GetCallingAssembly should return dynamic assembly named: 'Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly' /// whereas in 'Release' this will be inlined and the result will be something like 'X:\Y\Z\log4net.Tests.dll'. /// Therefore simple check against dynamic assembly /// in to avoid 'Debug' release. /// [Test] public void TestAssemblyLocationInfoDoesNotThrowNotSupportedExceptionForDynamicAssembly() { var systemInfoAssemblyLocationMethod = GetAssemblyLocationInfoMethodCall(); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => systemInfoAssemblyLocationMethod()); } private static Func GetAssemblyLocationInfoMethodCall() { var method = typeof(SystemInfoTest).GetMethod("TestAssemblyLocationInfoMethod", new Type[0]); var methodCall = Expression.Call(null, method, new Expression[0]); return Expression.Lambda>(methodCall, new ParameterExpression[0]).Compile(); } public static string TestAssemblyLocationInfoMethod() { #if NETSTANDARD1_3 return SystemInfo.AssemblyLocationInfo(typeof(SystemInfoTest).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); #else return SystemInfo.AssemblyLocationInfo(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); #endif } #endif [Test] public void TestGetTypeFromStringFullyQualified() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.Tests.Util.SystemInfoTest,log4net.Tests", false, false); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case sensitive type load"); t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST,log4net.Tests", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load caps"); t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.tests.util.systeminfotest,log4net.Tests", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load lower"); } #if !NETSTANDARD1_3 [Test][Platform(Include="Win")] public void TestGetTypeFromStringCaseInsensitiveOnAssemblyName() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST,LOG4NET.TESTS", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load caps"); t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.tests.util.systeminfotest,log4net.tests", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load lower"); } #endif [Test] public void TestGetTypeFromStringRelative() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.Tests.Util.SystemInfoTest", false, false); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case sensitive type load"); t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load caps"); t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.tests.util.systeminfotest", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfoTest), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load lower"); } #if NETSTANDARD1_3 [Ignore("This test relies on enumerating loaded assemblies, which is presently impossible in CoreFX (https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/1784).")] #endif [Test] public void TestGetTypeFromStringSearch() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.Util.SystemInfo", false, false); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfo), t, string.Format("Test explicit case sensitive type load found {0} rather than {1}", t.AssemblyQualifiedName, typeof(SystemInfo).AssemblyQualifiedName)); t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.UTIL.SYSTEMINFO", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfo), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load caps"); t = GetTypeFromString("log4net.util.systeminfo", false, true); Assert.AreSame(typeof(SystemInfo), t, "Test explicit case in-sensitive type load lower"); } [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeLoadException))] public void TestGetTypeFromStringFails1() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST,LOG4NET.TESTS", false, false); Assert.AreSame(null, t, "Test explicit case sensitive fails type load"); t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST,LOG4NET.TESTS", true, false); } [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeLoadException))] public void TestGetTypeFromStringFails2() { Type t; t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST", false, false); Assert.AreSame(null, t, "Test explicit case sensitive fails type load"); t = GetTypeFromString("LOG4NET.TESTS.UTIL.SYSTEMINFOTEST", true, false); } // Wraps SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString because the method relies on GetCallingAssembly, which is // unavailable in CoreFX. As a workaround, only overloads which explicitly take a Type or Assembly // are exposed for NETSTANDARD1_3. private Type GetTypeFromString(string typeName, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase) { #if NETSTANDARD1_3 return SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString(GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeName, throwOnError, ignoreCase); #else return SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString(typeName, throwOnError, ignoreCase); #endif } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_BothNull_true() { Assert.True(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase(null, null)); } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_LeftNull_false() { Assert.False(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase(null, "foo")); } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_RightNull_false() { Assert.False(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase("foo", null)); } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_SameStringsSameCase_true() { Assert.True(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase("foo", "foo")); } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_SameStringsDifferentCase_true() { Assert.True(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase("foo", "FOO")); } [Test] public void EqualsIgnoringCase_DifferentStrings_false() { Assert.False(SystemInfo.EqualsIgnoringCase("foo", "foobar")); } } }