Prerequisites for log4net tests =============================== The nunit.framework.dll assembly version 2.2.7 is required to build the log4net tests. NAnt 0.85 includes the 2.2.7 version of the nunit.framework.dll. The nunit.framework.dll is available as different builds for each version of the .net runtime. To build multiple versions of the log4net tests you will need several different copies of the nunit.framework.dll. The log4net tests are currently built for the following runtimes: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Mono Framework 2.0 Under the tests/lib directory you must create the following directory structure containing the nunit.framework.dll assembly built for the appropriate version of the runtime: lib\ net\ 1.0\ nunit.framework.dll 1.1\ nunit.framework.dll 2.0\ nunit.framework.dll mono\ 2.0\ nunit.framework.dll