WebApp ====== Example web application using log4net. To setup IIS to run this web application: - In IIS create a new Virtual Directory in the root of the default web site. - Set the alias to 'WebApp', where can be either CS (for the C# version of this tutorial) or VB (for the VB.NET version of this tutorial) (e.g. WebAppCS) - Set the directory to an underlying 'src' directory (e.g. 'C:\log4net\examples\net\1.0\Tutorials\WebApp\cs\src') - Set the access permissions to Read & Run scripts To run the test application - Visit: http://localhost/WebAppCS/WebForm1.aspx or http://localhost/WebAppVB/WebForm1.aspx - Calculate some sums To setup logging - Examine the WebApp.dll.log4net file. - The ASPNET user account must be given permissions to write to logfiles - Once you have set the permissions try rerunning the test application.