---------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: The contents of the contribs/ directory is not guaranteed to work properly. Some files might even not compile. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Each directory corresponds to the name of an author containinghis/her contributions. EirikLygre/ ========== DailyFileAppender1.java DailyFileAppender extends FileAppender to use filenames formatted with date/time information. The filename is recomputed every day at midnight. Note that the filename doesn't have to change every day, making it possible to have logfiles which are per-week or per-month. JamesHouse/ ========== LogTextPanel.java LogTextPanelExample.java TextPanelAppender.java MarkDouglas/ =========== SocketNode2.java SocketServer2.java Small changes to SocketServer and SockerNode to allow the client machine name to be displayed in the logging output. This is important for us as we are using a single logging server with several clients. KevinSteppe/ =========== JDBCAppender.java JDBCTest.java KitchingSimon/ ============= DatagramStringAppender.java DatagramStringWriter.java logconfig.xml SingleLineTracerPrintWriter.java udpserver.pl A set of files that implement an Appender which sends messages to a remote host/port via UDP (datagram). Message formatting is performed at the at the client end, mainly so that: (a) the UDP server application does not have to be in java (b) non-java clients can send messages to the same UDP server. ThomasFenner/ ============ Yet one more JDBCAppender. JDBCAppender.java JDBCConnectionHandler.java JDBCIDHandler.java JDBCLogger.java Log4JTest.java code_example1.java code_example2.java configfile_example.txt