Chainsaw v2 - Introduction/Table of Contents

Welcome to the home of Chainsaw v2!

Chainsaw v2 is a companion application to Log4j written by members of the Log4j development community. Like a number of Open Source projects, this new version was built upon inspirations, ideas and creations of others. Chainsaw v2 has it's roots from the original Chainsaw utility written by Oliver Burn, and with inspiration from the Log Factor 5 utility contributed by ThoughtWorks Inc.


Table of Contents

So what is it really?

 It's a GUI-based Log viewer. A picture tells a thousand words...

[zoom image]

These screen shots were taken on Windows 2000, running Sun JDK 1.4.2.

Rather than rely on a combination of tail/grep/vi or equivalent to view/query/trace-through a huge trail of logging events, you can use Chainsaw. Chainsaw can read log files formatted in Log4j's XMLLayout, receive events from remote locations, read events from a DB, it can even work with the JDK 1.4 logging events.

Quick Tour of Chainsaw features

  Heres just a brief run down of some of the features of Chainsaw v2:

Tutorial and User Manual

 Chainsaw already includes help with with a Quick Reference and a Tutorial to get you started, all viewable from within the GUI!. A User Manual will be made available around release time.

Distribution Notes

Due to Java Web Start's classloading rules, it is impossible to ship the Jakarta Commons VFS extension to Chainsaw. Several VFS filestore implementation jars cannot be shipped with Chainsaw because of licensing issues. The log4j dev team has chosen to not distribute VFS with the Web Start version, however you can follow these steps to enable the VFS components inside Chainsaw.

  1. Download the VFS extension to Chainsaw
  2. Download VFS
  3. Download Commons Logging Jars
  4. Download the VFS filestore implementation jars you wish to use
  5. Place all these jars in your .chainsaw/plugins directory (the .chainsaw directory is in your home directory)
  6. Start Chainsaw, which should now recognize the existence of VFS components and allow you to use such things as the VFSLogFilePatternReceiver

The Unix/DOS batch file and OSX distribution already include the base VFS component jars, so you just need to download the filestore implementation jars and place them in the plugins directory.

Copyright © 1999-2006, Apache Software Foundation.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.