# The jaxp interface and a jaxp parser are required to build the # JoranConfigurator. However, these are already available since Ant # needs them too. Note also that these are required to run Chainsaw. # They are commented out by default but may be commented in for # customizations, e.g. when running Chainsaw from Ant version 1.4 # or earlier. # jaxp.home=/java/jaxp-1.1 # jaxp-api.jar=${jaxp.home}/jaxp.jar # jaxp.parser.jar=${jaxp.home}/crimson.jar # JavaMail API OPTIONAL; required to build the SMTPAppender javamail.jar=/java/javamail-1.2/mail.jar activation.jar=/java/jaf-1.0.1/activation.jar # JMS OPTIONAL; required to build the JMSAppender. # in order to build the JMSAppender. jms.jar=/java/JMQ1.1/lib/jms.jar # Servlet api servlet-api.jar=/java/servlet-api.jar # The templates for the creation of the web-pages are inherited # from the parent project. logging-site=../logging-site # Describes the relative or full path to the Jakarta ORO Reg Exp jar file # Required if you wish to use LogFilePatternReceiver or LikeRule (regexp) #jakarta-oro.jar=../oro/jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar # Describes the path to the VFS jar (see http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/vfs/) # Required if you wish to compile the Chainsaw jar and include the # org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.vfs.VFSLogFilePatternReceiver virtual file system receiver # to access log files in Chainsaw # # See http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/vfs/filesystems.html # for a full description of supported file systems (ssh, zip, etc). # # See http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/vfs/download.html for # file system-specific jars required when running Chainsaw with a VFSLogFilePatternReceiver #vfs.jar=../vfs/commons-vfs-1.0-dev.jar # DBAppeder/DBReceiver OPTIONAL: # # The org.apache.log4j.db package makes use of the # javax.sql.DataSource interface which is included part of the JDBC # standard extensions. These extensions ship with JDK 1.4 and later # but not JDK 1.3 or 1.2. # # Download it from # # http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/download.html#spec # #jdbc-stdext.jar=/java/lib/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar # --------------------------------------------------- # JNDI API REQUIRED when building log4j with JDK 1.2) # --------------------------------------------------- # # The JNDI API is required to build ContextJNDISelector, which has # become a core log4j class. The JNDI API ships with JDK 1.3 and later, # you do not need to load it separately. For JDK 1.2, you can get the # JNDI API from # # http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/downloads/index.html #jndi.jar=/java/lib/jndi.jar