Appender : NetSendAppender Creation Date : December 12/2002 Author : Overview -------- What is NET SEND? If you have a Windows (98,2k,XP) machine, try it: c:\> NET SEND %computername% This is a test If it worked, you should see a popup box on your screen with the message: ----------------------------------------------------------- | Message from to on | | This is a test | | | | OK | ----------------------------------------------------------- The NetSendAppender is a log4j appender that uses the popular Windows NET SEND command to announce log events. This is handy for situations where immediate notification is required for critical log events. It's extremely unhandy for low-priority log messages because it will quickly annoy the user(s) receiving them. This appender is like the NTEventLogAppender in that it requires a JNI Dll. Make sure that "NetSendAppender.dll" is in your path or the appender will not work. Build ----- There are three important files required to build the NetSendAppender. - This is the Java component of the Appender. It has a native method that is implemented within the JNI Dll. _NetSendAppender.h - This file must be generated using javah against the NetSendAppender class. NetSendAppender.cpp - This file is required to build the JNI NetSendAppender dll I used Visual Studio 6 to build the JNI component. Specifically, a win32 DLL project was used. It must include references to the Sun JDK "include" and "include\win32" directories. It must also include a library reference to "jvm.lib" Options ------- This appender requires you to set some parameters. - "from" is the user name that will be used for sending the message. - "to" is the destination user. - "computer" is the destination computer. Here is a sample configuration that creates an "emergency" category that announces log messages to Fred on machine sideshow-bob. log4j.logger.emergency=DEBUG, netsend log4j.appender.netsend.from=Emergency Monitor log4j.appender.netsend.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.netsend.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c{1} - %m%n