# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ ElasticHosts Driver """ import re import time import base64 from libcloud.types import Provider, NodeState, InvalidCredsError, MalformedResponseError from libcloud.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, Response from libcloud.base import NodeDriver, NodeSize, Node from libcloud.base import NodeImage from libcloud.deployment import ScriptDeployment, SSHKeyDeployment, MultiStepDeployment # JSON is included in the standard library starting with Python 2.6. For 2.5 # and 2.4, there's a simplejson egg at: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson try: import json except: import simplejson as json # API end-points API_ENDPOINTS = { 'uk-1': { 'name': 'London Peer 1', 'country': 'United Kingdom', 'host': 'api.lon-p.elastichosts.com' }, 'uk-2': { 'name': 'London BlueSquare', 'country': 'United Kingdom', 'host': 'api.lon-b.elastichosts.com' }, 'us-1': { 'name': 'San Antonio Peer 1', 'country': 'United States', 'host': 'api.sat-p.elastichosts.com' }, } # Default API end-point for the base connection clase. DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'us-1' # ElasticHosts doesn't specify special instance types, so I just specified # some plans based on the pricing page # (http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/pricing) # and other provides. # # Basically for CPU any value between 500Mhz and 20000Mhz should work, # 256MB to 8192MB for ram and 1GB to 2TB for disk. INSTANCE_TYPES = { 'small': { 'id': 'small', 'name': 'Small instance', 'cpu': 2000, 'memory': 1700, 'disk': 160, 'bandwidth': None, }, 'large': { 'id': 'large', 'name': 'Large instance', 'cpu': 4000, 'memory': 7680, 'disk': 850, 'bandwidth': None, }, 'extra-large': { 'id': 'extra-large', 'name': 'Extra Large instance', 'cpu': 8000, 'memory': 8192, 'disk': 1690, 'bandwidth': None, }, 'high-cpu-medium': { 'id': 'high-cpu-medium', 'name': 'High-CPU Medium instance', 'cpu': 5000, 'memory': 1700, 'disk': 350, 'bandwidth': None, }, 'high-cpu-extra-large': { 'id': 'high-cpu-extra-large', 'name': 'High-CPU Extra Large instance', 'cpu': 20000, 'memory': 7168, 'disk': 1690, 'bandwidth': None, }, } # Retrieved from http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/api STANDARD_DRIVES = { '38df0986-4d85-4b76-b502-3878ffc80161': { 'uuid': '38df0986-4d85-4b76-b502-3878ffc80161', 'description': 'CentOS Linux 5.5', 'size_gunzipped': '3GB', 'supports_deployment': True, }, '980cf63c-f21e-4382-997b-6541d5809629': { 'uuid': '980cf63c-f21e-4382-997b-6541d5809629', 'description': 'Debian Linux 5.0', 'size_gunzipped': '1GB', 'supports_deployment': True, }, 'aee5589a-88c3-43ef-bb0a-9cab6e64192d': { 'uuid': 'aee5589a-88c3-43ef-bb0a-9cab6e64192d', 'description': 'Ubuntu Linux 10.04', 'size_gunzipped': '1GB', 'supports_deployment': True, }, 'b9d0eb72-d273-43f1-98e3-0d4b87d372c0': { 'uuid': 'b9d0eb72-d273-43f1-98e3-0d4b87d372c0', 'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008', 'size_gunzipped': '13GB', 'supports_deployment': False, }, '30824e97-05a4-410c-946e-2ba5a92b07cb': { 'uuid': '30824e97-05a4-410c-946e-2ba5a92b07cb', 'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008 R2', 'size_gunzipped': '13GB', 'supports_deployment': False, }, '9ecf810e-6ad1-40ef-b360-d606f0444671': { 'uuid': '9ecf810e-6ad1-40ef-b360-d606f0444671', 'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008 R2 + SQL Server', 'size_gunzipped': '13GB', 'supports_deployment': False, }, '10a88d1c-6575-46e3-8d2c-7744065ea530': { 'uuid': '10a88d1c-6575-46e3-8d2c-7744065ea530', 'description': 'Windows Server 2008 Standard R2', 'size_gunzipped': '13GB', 'supports_deployment': False, }, '2567f25c-8fb8-45c7-95fc-bfe3c3d84c47': { 'uuid': '2567f25c-8fb8-45c7-95fc-bfe3c3d84c47', 'description': 'Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 + SQL Server', 'size_gunzipped': '13GB', 'supports_deployment': False, }, } NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'active': NodeState.RUNNING, 'dead': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'dumped': NodeState.TERMINATED, } # Default timeout (in seconds) for the drive imaging process IMAGING_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 class ElasticHostsException(Exception): """ Exception class for ElasticHosts driver """ def __str__(self): return self.args[0] def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.args[0]) class ElasticHostsResponse(Response): def success(self): if self.status == 401: raise InvalidCredsError() return self.status >= 200 and self.status <= 299 def parse_body(self): if not self.body: return self.body try: data = json.loads(self.body) except: raise MalformedResponseError("Failed to parse JSON", body=self.body, driver=ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver) return data def parse_error(self): error_header = self.headers.get('x-elastic-error', '') return 'X-Elastic-Error: %s (%s)' % (error_header, self.body.strip()) class ElasticHostsNodeSize(NodeSize): def __init__(self, id, name, cpu, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver): self.id = id self.name = name self.cpu = cpu self.ram = ram self.disk = disk self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.price = price self.driver = driver def __repr__(self): return (('') % (self.id, self.name, self.cpu, self.ram, self.disk, self.bandwidth, self.price, self.driver.name)) class ElasticHostsBaseConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Base connection class for the ElasticHosts driver """ host = API_ENDPOINTS[DEFAULT_ENDPOINT]['host'] responseCls = ElasticHostsResponse def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['Authorization'] = ('Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key)))) return headers class ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ Base ElasticHosts node driver """ type = Provider.ELASTICHOSTS name = 'ElasticHosts' connectionCls = ElasticHostsBaseConnection features = {"create_node": ["generates_password"]} def reboot_node(self, node): # Reboots the node response = self.connection.request( action='/servers/%s/reset' % (node.id), method='POST' ) return response.status == 204 def destroy_node(self, node): # Kills the server immediately response = self.connection.request( action='/servers/%s/destroy' % (node.id), method='POST' ) return response.status == 204 def list_images(self, location=None): # Returns a list of available pre-installed system drive images images = [] for key, value in STANDARD_DRIVES.iteritems(): image = NodeImage( id=value['uuid'], name=value['description'], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'size_gunzipped': value['size_gunzipped'] } ) images.append(image) return images def list_sizes(self, location=None): sizes = [] for key, value in INSTANCE_TYPES.iteritems(): size = ElasticHostsNodeSize( id=value['id'], name=value['name'], cpu=value['cpu'], ram=value['memory'], disk=value['disk'], bandwidth=value['bandwidth'], price='', driver=self.connection.driver ) sizes.append(size) return sizes def list_nodes(self): # Returns a list of active (running) nodes response = self.connection.request(action='/servers/info').object nodes = [] for data in response: node = self._to_node(data) nodes.append(node) return nodes def create_node(self, **kwargs): """Creates a ElasticHosts instance See L{NodeDriver.create_node} for more keyword args. @keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required) @type name: C{string} @keyword smp: Number of virtual processors or None to calculate based on the cpu speed @type smp: C{int} @keyword nic_model: e1000, rtl8139 or virtio (if not specified, e1000 is used) @type nic_model: C{string} @keyword vnc_password: If set, the same password is also used for SSH access with user toor, otherwise VNC access is disabled and no SSH login is possible. @type vnc_password: C{string} """ size = kwargs['size'] image = kwargs['image'] smp = kwargs.get('smp', 'auto') nic_model = kwargs.get('nic_model', 'e1000') vnc_password = ssh_password = kwargs.get('vnc_password', None) if nic_model not in ('e1000', 'rtl8139', 'virtio'): raise ElasticHostsException('Invalid NIC model specified') # check that drive size is not smaller then pre installed image size # First we create a drive with the specified size drive_data = {} drive_data.update({'name': kwargs['name'], 'size': '%sG' % (kwargs['size'].disk)}) response = self.connection.request(action='/drives/create', data=json.dumps(drive_data), method='POST').object if not response: raise ElasticHostsException('Drive creation failed') drive_uuid = response['drive'] # Then we image the selected pre-installed system drive onto it response = self.connection.request( action='/drives/%s/image/%s/gunzip' % (drive_uuid, image.id), method='POST' ) if response.status != 204: raise ElasticHostsException('Drive imaging failed') # We wait until the drive is imaged and then boot up the node # (in most cases, the imaging process shouldn't take longer # than a few minutes) response = self.connection.request( action='/drives/%s/info' % (drive_uuid) ).object imaging_start = time.time() while response.has_key('imaging'): response = self.connection.request( action='/drives/%s/info' % (drive_uuid) ).object elapsed_time = time.time() - imaging_start if (response.has_key('imaging') and elapsed_time >= IMAGING_TIMEOUT): raise ElasticHostsException('Drive imaging timed out') time.sleep(1) node_data = {} node_data.update({'name': kwargs['name'], 'cpu': size.cpu, 'mem': size.ram, 'ide:0:0': drive_uuid, 'boot': 'ide:0:0', 'smp': smp}) node_data.update({'nic:0:model': nic_model, 'nic:0:dhcp': 'auto'}) if vnc_password: node_data.update({'vnc:ip': 'auto', 'vnc:password': vnc_password}) response = self.connection.request( action='/servers/create', data=json.dumps(node_data), method='POST' ).object if isinstance(response, list): nodes = [self._to_node(node, ssh_password) for node in response] else: nodes = self._to_node(response, ssh_password) return nodes # Extension methods def ex_set_node_configuration(self, node, **kwargs): # Changes the configuration of the running server valid_keys = ('^name$', '^parent$', '^cpu$', '^smp$', '^mem$', '^boot$', '^nic:0:model$', '^nic:0:dhcp', '^nic:1:model$', '^nic:1:vlan$', '^nic:1:mac$', '^vnc:ip$', '^vnc:password$', '^vnc:tls', '^ide:[0-1]:[0-1](:media)?$', '^scsi:0:[0-7](:media)?$', '^block:[0-7](:media)?$') invalid_keys = [] for key in kwargs.keys(): matches = False for regex in valid_keys: if re.match(regex, key): matches = True break if not matches: invalid_keys.append(key) if invalid_keys: raise ElasticHostsException( 'Invalid configuration key specified: %s' % (',' .join(invalid_keys)) ) response = self.connection.request( action='/servers/%s/set' % (node.id), data=json.dumps(kwargs), method='POST' ) return (response.status == 200 and response.body != '') def deploy_node(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new node, and start deployment. @keyword enable_root: If true, root password will be set to vnc_password (this will enable SSH access) and default 'toor' account will be deleted. @type enable_root: C{bool} For detailed description and keywords args, see L{NodeDriver.deploy_node}. """ image = kwargs['image'] vnc_password = kwargs.get('vnc_password', None) enable_root = kwargs.get('enable_root', False) if not vnc_password: raise ValueError('You need to provide vnc_password argument ' 'if you want to use deployment') if (image in STANDARD_DRIVES and STANDARD_DRIVES[image]['supports_deployment']): raise ValueError('Image %s does not support deployment' % (image.id)) if enable_root: script = ("unset HISTFILE;" "echo root:%s | chpasswd;" "sed -i '/^toor.*$/d' /etc/passwd /etc/shadow;" "history -c") % vnc_password root_enable_script = ScriptDeployment(script=script, delete=True) deploy = kwargs.get('deploy', None) if deploy: if (isinstance(deploy, ScriptDeployment) or isinstance(deploy, SSHKeyDeployment)): deployment = MultiStepDeployment([deploy, root_enable_script]) elif isinstance(deploy, MultiStepDeployment): deployment = deploy deployment.add(root_enable_script) else: deployment = root_enable_script kwargs['deploy'] = deployment if not kwargs.get('ssh_username', None): kwargs['ssh_username'] = 'toor' return super(ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver, self).deploy_node(**kwargs) def ex_shutdown_node(self, node): # Sends the ACPI power-down event response = self.connection.request( action='/servers/%s/shutdown' % (node.id), method='POST' ) return response.status == 204 def ex_destroy_drive(self, drive_uuid): # Deletes a drive response = self.connection.request( action='/drives/%s/destroy' % (drive_uuid), method='POST' ) return response.status == 204 # Helper methods def _to_node(self, data, ssh_password=None): try: state = NODE_STATE_MAP[data['status']] except KeyError: state = NodeState.UNKNOWN if isinstance(data['nic:0:dhcp'], list): public_ip = data['nic:0:dhcp'] else: public_ip = [data['nic:0:dhcp']] extra = {'cpu': data['cpu'], 'smp': data['smp'], 'mem': data['mem'], 'started': data['started']} if data.has_key('vnc:ip') and data.has_key('vnc:password'): extra.update({'vnc_ip': data['vnc:ip'], 'vnc_password': data['vnc:password']}) if ssh_password: extra.update({'password': ssh_password}) node = Node(id=data['server'], name=data['name'], state=state, public_ip=public_ip, private_ip=None, driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra) return node class ElasticHostsUK1Connection(ElasticHostsBaseConnection): """ Connection class for the ElasticHosts driver for the London Peer 1 end-point """ host = API_ENDPOINTS['uk-1']['host'] class ElasticHostsUK1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver): """ ElasticHosts node driver for the London Peer 1 end-point """ connectionCls = ElasticHostsUK1Connection class ElasticHostsUK2Connection(ElasticHostsBaseConnection): """ Connection class for the ElasticHosts driver for the London Bluesquare end-point """ host = API_ENDPOINTS['uk-2']['host'] class ElasticHostsUK2NodeDriver(ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver): """ ElasticHosts node driver for the London Bluesquare end-point """ connectionCls = ElasticHostsUK2Connection class ElasticHostsUS1Connection(ElasticHostsBaseConnection): """ Connection class for the ElasticHosts driver for the San Antonio Peer 1 end-point """ host = API_ENDPOINTS['us-1']['host'] class ElasticHostsUS1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsBaseNodeDriver): """ ElasticHosts node driver for the San Antonio Peer 1 end-point """ connectionCls = ElasticHostsUS1Connection