source: . destination: ./_site plugins: ./_plugins layouts: ./_layouts include: ['.htaccess', 'BingSiteAuth.xml'] exclude: ['', 'sitemap.xml'] url: domain: title: Apache Libcloud headline: Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs description: Apache Libcloud is a Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs author: The Apache Software Foundation keywords: - python - libcloud - cloud - cloud computing - rackspace - amazon ec2 - cloudfiles - openstack - cloudstack lsi: false markdown: redcarpet highlighter: true permalink: blog/:year/:month/:day/:title.html paginate: 5 paginate_path: blog/page/:num tag_page_layout: tag_page tag_page_dir: blog/tags asset_pipeline: bundle: true # Default = true compress: true # Default = true output_path: assets # Default = assets #display_path: nil # Default = nil gzip: true # Default = false gravatar: size: 120 secure: true default_image: mm lunr_excludes: [tags/.*\.html] # Archive plugin settings archive_dir: blog/archives # Site specific stuff navigation: - text: Home url: / - text: About url: /about.html - text: Quick Start url: /getting-started.html - text: Documentation url: external: true - text: Downloads url: /downloads.html - text: Community url: /community.html - text: Blog url: /blog/