title: Google Summer of Code 2012 ## Google Summer of Code 2012 ## Google Summer of Code is a program where Google sponsors students from around the world to spend their summer working on open-source projects. Student is paid 5000$ if they successfully complete all of their evaluations. More information about the program can be found on the [project website](http://google-melange.appspot.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012). ## Project Ideas ## Some of the existing project ideas proposed by Libcloud developers can be found on our [ticket tracker](http://s.apache.org/lcgsoc2012tasks). Students are also more than welcome to propose their own ideas. ## Mentors ## * Tomaz Muraus (tomaz) - UTC -8 * Roman Bogorodsky (rbogorodskiy) - UTC +4 * Jed Smith (jed) - UTC -8 ## Student Applications ## Application template can be found in the section bellow. Before submitting your application please start a discussion about the project idea on our mailing list (dev@libcloud.apache.org). ## Student Application Template ## * Name and surname * E-mail address * Blog / homepage (if you have one) * IRC nick and network * Google+ handle / Skype handle * Name of school/ university, country, year, your average grade (and describe what this grade means) * Age * Which languages do you actively speak (and write)? * Project / proposal title * Project / proposal description * Project / proposal schedule. How long will the project take? When can you begin work? * Availability. How many hours per week can you spend working on this? What other obligations do you have this summer? * Deliverables. It is very important to list quantifiable results here, for example: * Improve X modules in ways Y and Z. * Write 3 new documentation pages for the new interfaces. * Improve test coverage by writing X more unit/regression tests. * Improve performance in FOO by X%. * How do you plan to continue with your project / proposal and within the Apache Libcloud community after GSoC? * Benefits to the Free Software Community, who would gain from your project? * Biography and Free Software experiences. Who are you? What makes you the best person to work on this project/proposal? What free and/or open source projects have you participated in? Please describe your contributions with references.