title: Credits ## PMC Members ## * Eric Woods (woodser [at] apache [dot] org) * Jed Smith (jed [at] apache [dot] org) * Jeremiah Orem (oremj [at] apache [dot] org) * Jerry Chen (jerry [at] apache [dot] org) * Roman Bogorodskiy (rbogorodskiy [at] apache [dot] org) * Tom Davis (tom [at] apache [dot] org) * Tomaz Muraus (tomaz [at] apache [dot] org) * Paul Querna (pquerna [at] apache [dot] org) ## Committers ## * Eric Woods (woodser [at] apache [dot] org) * Hutson Betts (hbetts [at] apache [dot] org) * Jed Smith (jed [at] apache [dot] org) * Jeremiah Orem (oremj [at] apache [dot] org) * Jerry Chen (jerry [at] apache [dot] org) * Roman Bogorodskiy (rbogorodskiy [at] apache [dot] org) * Tom Davis (tom [at] apache [dot] org) * Tomaz Muraus (tomaz [at] apache [dot] org) * Paul Querna (pquerna [at] apache [dot] org) ## Alumni ## * Alex Polvi (original Libcloud developer and founder) * Dan Di Spaltro (committer) * Ivan Meredith (committer) ## Contributors ## A list of all the contributors can be found on the [Libcloud JIRA](https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?atl_token=888af46eb9686dcb98b6e5c7489395dfb195f02c&versionId=-1&issueStatus=closed&selectedProjectId=12311030&reportKey=com.sourcelabs.jira.plugin.report.contributions%3Acontributionreport&Next=Next).