l.d.Deployment(object) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.deployment View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.deployment.MultiStepDeployment, libcloud.deployment.ScriptDeployment, libcloud.deployment.SSHKeyDeployment

Base class for deployment tasks.
Method run Runs this deployment task on C{node} using the C{client} provided.
def run(self, node, client): (source)
Runs this deployment task on C{node} using the C{client} provided.

@type node: L{Node}
@keyword node: Node to operate one

@type client: L{BaseSSHClient}
@keyword client: Connected SSH client to use.

@return: L{Node}
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2011-07-02 22:19:34.