l.c.t.Provider(object) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.compute.types View Source View In Hierarchy

Defines for each of the supported providers

@cvar DUMMY: Example provider
@cvar EC2_US_EAST: Amazon AWS US N. Virgina
@cvar EC2_US_WEST: Amazon AWS US N. California
@cvar EC2_EU_WEST: Amazon AWS EU Ireland
@cvar RACKSPACE: Rackspace Cloud Servers
@cvar RACKSPACE_UK: Rackspace UK Cloud Servers
@cvar SLICEHOST: Slicehost.com
@cvar GOGRID: GoGrid
@cvar VPSNET: VPS.net
@cvar LINODE: Linode.com
@cvar VCLOUD: vmware vCloud
@cvar RIMUHOSTING: RimuHosting.com
@cvar ECP: Enomaly
@cvar IBM: IBM Developer Cloud
@cvar OPENNEBULA: OpenNebula.org
@cvar DREAMHOST: DreamHost Private Server
@cvar CLOUDSIGMA: CloudSigma
@cvar NIMBUS: Nimbus
@cvar BLUEBOX: Bluebox
@cvar OPSOURCE: Opsource Cloud
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2011-07-02 22:19:34.