l.c.d.g.GoGridNodeDriver(BaseGoGridDriver, NodeDriver) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.compute.drivers.gogrid View Source View In Hierarchy

GoGrid node driver
Method list_images List images on a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeImage} objects
Method list_nodes List all nodes @return: C{list} of L{Node} objects
Method reboot_node Reboot a node. @return: C{bool} True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Method destroy_node Destroy a node.
Method list_sizes List sizes on a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeSize} objects
Method list_locations List data centers for a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeLocation} objects
Method ex_create_node_nowait Don't block until GoGrid allocates id for a node but return right away with id == None.
Method create_node Create a new GoGird node
Method ex_save_image Create an image for node.
Method ex_edit_node Change attributes of a node.
Method ex_edit_image Edit metadata of a server image.
Method ex_list_ips Return list of IP addresses assigned to the account.
Method _get_state Undocumented
Method _get_ip Undocumented
Method _get_id Undocumented
Method _to_node Undocumented
Method _to_image Undocumented
Method _to_images Undocumented
Method _to_location Undocumented
Method _to_locations Undocumented
Method _server_list Undocumented
Method _password_list Undocumented
Method _server_power Undocumented
Method _server_delete Undocumented
Method _get_first_ip Undocumented

Inherited from BaseGoGridDriver:

Method _to_ip Undocumented
Method _to_ips Undocumented

Inherited from NodeDriver:

Method __init__ @keyword key: API key or username to used @type key: str
Method deploy_node Create a new node, and start deployment.
Method _get_size_price Undocumented
def _get_state(self, element): (source)
def _get_ip(self, element): (source)
def _get_id(self, element): (source)
def _to_node(self, element, password=None): (source)
def _to_image(self, element): (source)
def _to_images(self, object): (source)
def _to_location(self, element): (source)
def _to_locations(self, object): (source)
def list_images(self, location=None): (source)
List images on a provider
@return: C{list} of L{NodeImage} objects
def list_nodes(self): (source)
List all nodes
@return: C{list} of L{Node} objects
def reboot_node(self, node): (source)
Reboot a node.
@return: C{bool} True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
def destroy_node(self, node): (source)
Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with
the node, including backups.

@return: C{bool} True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
def _server_list(self): (source)
def _password_list(self): (source)
def _server_power(self, id, power): (source)
def _server_delete(self, id): (source)
def _get_first_ip(self, location=None): (source)
def list_sizes(self, location=None): (source)
List sizes on a provider
@return: C{list} of L{NodeSize} objects
def list_locations(self): (source)
List data centers for a provider
@return: C{list} of L{NodeLocation} objects
def ex_create_node_nowait(self, **kwargs): (source)
Don't block until GoGrid allocates id for a node
but return right away with id == None.

The existance of this method is explained by the fact
that GoGrid assigns id to a node only few minutes after
def create_node(self, **kwargs): (source)
Create a new GoGird node

See L{NodeDriver.create_node} for more keyword args.

@keyword    ex_description: Description of a Node
@type       ex_description: C{string}
@keyword    ex_ip: Public IP address to use for a Node. If not
            specified, first available IP address will be picked
@type       ex_ip: C{string}
def ex_save_image(self, node, name): (source)
Create an image for node.

Please refer to GoGrid documentation to get info
how prepare a node for image creation:


@keyword    node: node to use as a base for image
@type       node: L{Node}
@keyword    name: name for new image
@type       name: C{string}
def ex_edit_node(self, **kwargs): (source)
Change attributes of a node.

@keyword    node: node to be edited
@type       node: L{Node}
@keyword    size: new size of a node
@type       size: L{NodeSize}
@keyword    ex_description: new description of a node
@type       ex_description: C{string}
def ex_edit_image(self, **kwargs): (source)
Edit metadata of a server image.

@keyword    image: image to be edited
@type       image: L{NodeImage}
@keyword    public: should be the image public?
@type       public: C{bool}
@keyword    ex_description: description of the image (optional)
@type       ex_description: C{string}
@keyword    name: name of the image
@type       name C{string}
def ex_list_ips(self, **kwargs): (source)
Return list of IP addresses assigned to
the account.

@keyword    public: set to True to list only
            public IPs or False to list only
            private IPs. Set to None or not specify
            at all not to filter by type
@type       public: C{bool}
@keyword    assigned: set to True to list only addresses
            assigned to servers, False to list unassigned
            addresses and set to None or don't set at all
            not no filter by state
@type       assigned: C{bool}
@keyword    location: filter IP addresses by location
@type       location: L{NodeLocation}
@return:    C{list} of L{GoGridIpAddress}es
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2011-07-02 22:19:34.