l.base : module documentation

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No module docstring
Class RawResponse Undocumented
Class Response A Base Response class to derive from.
Class LoggingConnection Debug class to log all HTTP(s) requests as they could be made with the C{curl} command.
Class LoggingHTTPSConnection Utility Class for logging HTTPS connections
Class LoggingHTTPConnection Utility Class for logging HTTP connections
Function is_private_subnet Utility function to check if an IP address is inside a private subnet.
def is_private_subnet(ip): (source)
Utility function to check if an IP address is inside a private subnet.

@type ip: C{str}
@keyword ip: IP address to check

@return: C{bool} if the specified IP address is private.
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2011-07-02 22:19:34.