l.d.c.CloudSigmaZrhNodeDriver(CloudSigmaBaseNodeDriver) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.drivers.cloudsigma View Source View In Hierarchy

CloudSigma node driver for the Zurich end-point

Inherited from CloudSigmaBaseNodeDriver:

Method reboot_node Reboot a node.
Method destroy_node Destroy a node (all the drives associated with it are NOT destroyed).
Method list_images Return a list of available standard images (this call might take up to 15 seconds to return).
Method list_sizes Return a list of available node sizes.
Method list_nodes Return a list of nodes.
Method create_node Creates a CloudSigma instance
Method ex_destroy_node_and_drives Destroy a node and all the drives associated with it.
Method ex_static_ip_list Return a list of available static IP addresses.
Method ex_drives_list Return a list of all the available drives.
Method ex_static_ip_create Create a new static IP address.
Method ex_static_ip_destroy Destroy a static IP address.
Method ex_drive_destroy Destroy a drive with a specified uuid. If the drive is currently mounted an exception is thrown.
Method ex_set_node_configuration Update a node configuration. Changing most of the parameters requires node to be stopped.
Method ex_start_node Start a node.
Method ex_stop_node Stop (shutdown) a node.
Method ex_shutdown_node Stop (shutdown) a node.
Method ex_destroy_drive Destroy a drive.
Method _to_node Undocumented
Method _get_node Undocumented
Method _get_node_info Undocumented

Inherited from NodeDriver (via CloudSigmaBaseNodeDriver):

Method __init__
Method list_locations List data centers for a provider @return: list of NodeLocation objects
Method deploy_node Create a new node, and start deployment.
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:44:33.