l.i.INodeSize(Interface) : interface documentation

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Known implementations: libcloud.base.NodeSize

A machine image
Attribute id Unique ID provided by the provider (m1.small, etc)
Attribute name Name provided by the provider (Small CPU, etc)
Attribute ram Amount of RAM provided in MB (256MB, 1740MB)
Attribute disk Amount of disk provided in GB (200GB)
Attribute bandwidth Amount of total transfer bandwidth in GB
Attribute price Hourly price of this server in USD, estimated if monthly
Attribute driver The NodeDriver that belongs to this Image
id =
Unique ID provided by the provider (m1.small, etc)
name =
Name provided by the provider (Small CPU, etc)
ram =
Amount of RAM provided in MB (256MB, 1740MB)
disk =
Amount of disk provided in GB (200GB)
bandwidth =
Amount of total transfer bandwidth in GB
price =
Hourly price of this server in USD, estimated if monthly
driver =
The NodeDriver that belongs to this Image
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:44:03.