l.i.INode(Interface) : interface documentation

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Known implementations: libcloud.base.Node

A node (instance, etc)
Attribute uuid Unique identifier
Attribute id Unique ID provided by the provider (i-abcd1234, etc)
Attribute name Hostname or similar identifier
Attribute state A standard Node state as provided by NodeState
Attribute public_ip List of Public IPs of the Node
Attribute private_ip List of Private IPs of the Node
Attribute driver The NodeDriver that belongs to this Node
Attribute extra Dict containing provider specific data
Method get_uuid Provides a system wide unique ID for the node
Method destroy Call `self.driver.destroy_node(self)`. A convenience method.
Method reboot Call `self.driver.reboot_node(self)`. A convenience method.
uuid =
Unique identifier
id =
Unique ID provided by the provider (i-abcd1234, etc)
name =
Hostname or similar identifier
state =
A standard Node state as provided by NodeState
public_ip =
List of Public IPs of the Node
private_ip =
List of Private IPs of the Node
driver =
The NodeDriver that belongs to this Node
extra =
Dict containing provider specific data
def get_uuid(): (source)
Provides a system wide unique ID for the node
def destroy(): (source)
Call `self.driver.destroy_node(self)`. A convenience method.
def reboot(): (source)
Call `self.driver.reboot_node(self)`. A convenience method.
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:44:03.