libcloud : package documentation

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libcloud provides a unified interface to the cloud computing resources.
Module base Provides base classes for working with drivers
Module deployment Provides generic deployment steps for machines post boot.
Package drivers Drivers for working with different providers
Module interface Provides zope.interface definitions for libcloud.
Module providers Provider related utilities
Module ssh Wraps multiple ways to communicate over SSH
Module types Base types used by other parts of libcloud

From the module:

Function enable_debug Enable library wide debugging to a file-like object.
Function _init_once Utility function that is ran once on Library import.
def enable_debug(fo): (source)
Enable library wide debugging to a file-like object.
ParametersfoWhere to append debugging information (type: File like object, only write operations are used.)
def _init_once(): (source)
Utility function that is ran once on Library import.

This checks for the LIBCLOUD_DEBUG enviroment variable, which if it exists is where we will log debug information about the provider transports.

If LIBCLOUD_DEBUG is not a path, /tmp/libcloud_debug.log is used by default.

API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:44:03.