l.interface : module documentation

Part of libcloud View Source

Provides zope.interface definitions for libcloud.
Interface INode A node (instance, etc)
Interface INodeFactory Create nodes
Interface INodeSize A machine image
Interface INodeSizeFactory Create nodes
Interface INodeImage A machine image
Interface INodeImageFactory Create nodes
Interface INodeLocation Physical Location of a node
Interface INodeLocationFactory Create nodes location
Interface INodeDriverFactory Create NodeDrivers
Interface INodeDriver A driver which provides nodes, such as an Amazon EC2 instance, or Slicehost slice
Interface IConnection A Connection represents an interface between a Client and a Provider's Web Service. It is capable of authenticating, making requests, and returning responses.
Interface IConnectionKey IConnection which only depends on an API key for authentication.
Interface IConnectionUserAndKey IConnection which depends on a user identifier and an API for authentication.
Interface IConnectionKeyFactory Create Connections which depend solely on an API key.
Interface IConnectionUserAndKeyFactory Create Connections which depends on both a user identifier and API key.
Interface IResponse A response as provided by a given HTTP Client.
Interface IResponseFactory Creates Responses.
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:36:58.