l.d.v.TerremarkConnection(VCloudConnection) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.drivers.vcloud View Source View In Hierarchy


Inherited from VCloudConnection:

Method request Request a given `action`.
Method check_org Undocumented
Method add_default_headers Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed `headers`
Method _get_auth_headers Some providers need different headers than others
Method _get_auth_token Undocumented

Inherited from ConnectionUserAndKey (via VCloudConnection):

Method __init__ Initialize `user_id` and `key`; set `secure` to an int based on passed value.

Inherited from ConnectionKey (via VCloudConnection, ConnectionUserAndKey):

Method connect Establish a connection with the API server.
Method user_agent_append Undocumented
Method add_default_params Adds default parameters (such as API key, version, etc.) to the passed `params`
Method encode_data Encode body data.
Method _user_agent Undocumented
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:36:58.