l.c.d.o.OpenNebula_2_0_NodeDriver(OpenNebulaNodeDriver) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_0_NodeDriver

OpenNebula.org node driver for OpenNebula.org v2.0 through OpenNebula.org v2.2.
Method create_node Create a new OpenNebula node.
Method destroy_node Destroy a node.
Method list_sizes Return list of sizes on a provider.
Method _to_images Request a list of images and convert that list to a list of NodeImage objects.
Method _to_image Take XML object containing an image description and convert to NodeImage object.
Method _to_node Take XML object containing a compute node description and convert to Node object.
Method _extract_networks Extract networks from a compute node XML representation.
Method _extract_images Extract image disks from a compute node XML representation.
Method _extract_size Extract size, or node type, from a compute node XML representation.
Method _extract_context Extract size, or node type, from a compute node XML representation.

Inherited from OpenNebulaNodeDriver:

Method __new__ Undocumented
Method list_nodes List all nodes @return: list of Node objects
Method list_images List images on a provider
Method list_locations List data centers for a provider @return: list of NodeLocation objects
Method ex_list_networks List virtual networks on a provider.
Method ex_node_action Build action representation and instruct node to commit action.
Method _to_networks Request a list of networks and convert that list to a list of OpenNebulaNetwork objects.
Method _to_network Take XML object containing a network description and convert to OpenNebulaNetwork object.
Method _to_nodes Request a list of compute nodes and convert that list to a list of Node objects.

Inherited from NodeDriver (via OpenNebulaNodeDriver):

Method __init__
Method reboot_node Reboot a node.
Method deploy_node Create a new node, and start deployment.
Method _wait_until_running Block until node is fully booted and has an IP address assigned.
Method _ssh_client_connect Try to connect to the remote SSH server. If a connection times out or is refused it is retried up to timeout number of seconds.
Method _run_deployment_script Run the deployment script on the provided node. At this point it is assumed that SSH connection has already been established.
Method _get_size_price Undocumented

Inherited from BaseDriver (via OpenNebulaNodeDriver, NodeDriver):

Method _ex_connection_class_kwargs Return extra connection keyword arguments which are passed to the Connection class constructor.
def create_node(self, **kwargs): (source)
Create a new OpenNebula node.

See NodeDriver.create_node for more keyword args.

ParametersnetworksList of virtual networks to which this node should connect. (optional) (type: OpenNebulaNetwork or list of OpenNebulaNetworks)
contextCustom (key, value) pairs to be injected into compute node XML description. (optional) (type: dict)
ReturnsInstance of a newly created node. (type: Node)
def destroy_node(self, node): (source)
Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

ParametersnodeThe node to be destroyed (type: Node)
Returnsbool True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
def list_sizes(self, location=None): (source)
Return list of sizes on a provider.

See NodeDriver.list_sizes for more args.

ReturnsList of compute node sizes supported by the cloud provider. (type: list of OpenNebulaNodeSize)
def _to_images(self, object): (source)
Request a list of images and convert that list to a list of NodeImage objects.

Request a list of images from the OpenNebula web interface, and issue a request to convert each XML object representation of an image to a NodeImage object.

ReturnsList of images. (type: list of NodeImage)
def _to_image(self, image): (source)
Take XML object containing an image description and convert to NodeImage object.
ParametersimageXML representation of an image. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsThe newly extracted NodeImage. (type: NodeImage)
def _to_node(self, compute): (source)
Take XML object containing a compute node description and convert to Node object.

Take XML representation containing a compute node description and convert to Node object.

ParameterscomputeXML representation of a compute node. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsThe newly extracted Node. (type: Node)
def _extract_networks(self, compute): (source)
Extract networks from a compute node XML representation.

Extract network descriptions from a compute node XML representation, converting each network to an OpenNebulaNetwork object.

ParameterscomputeXML representation of a compute node. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsList of virtual networks attached to the compute node. (type: list of OpenNebulaNetwork)
def _extract_images(self, compute): (source)
Extract image disks from a compute node XML representation.

Extract image disk descriptions from a compute node XML representation, converting the disks to an NodeImage object.

ParameterscomputeXML representation of a compute node. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsFirst disk attached to a compute node. (type: NodeImage)
def _extract_size(self, compute): (source)
Extract size, or node type, from a compute node XML representation.

Extract node size, or node type, description from a compute node XML representation, converting the node size to a NodeSize object.

ParameterscomputeXML representation of a compute node. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsNode type of compute node. (type: OpenNebulaNodeSize)
def _extract_context(self, compute): (source)
Extract size, or node type, from a compute node XML representation.

Extract node size, or node type, description from a compute node XML representation, converting the node size to a NodeSize object.

ParameterscomputeXML representation of a compute node. (type: ElementTree)
ReturnsDictionary containing (key, value) pairs related to compute node context. (type: dict)
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:10:03.