status active use general name test node bits 64 url read:bytes 4096 description This is a pre-installed ready CentOS system that can be deployed to your account instantly. Please refer to the install notes for a full guide to initial configuration. CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. write:bytes 21474840576 os linux drive d18119ce_7afa_474a_9242_e0384b160220 install_notes ***You must update the default root/superuser password for CentOS 5.5 on first login.***\n\nPre-installed CentOS 5.5 64bit Linux on 24/07/2010\n============================================================\n\n1. Minimum Hardware Requirements\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nThe recommended minimum hardware requirements based on user feedback are:\n\nCPU: 1GHz\nRAM: 1GHz\n\nWe recommend specifying a larger size for a better user experience.\n\n\n2. Access your server for the first time using VNC\n----------------------------------------------------\nInitially you will need to access your server via VNC to complete the setup. \n\na) Start up your new server.\n\nb) Please use one of the recommended VNC clients, you will find a full list by following the 'Connect to your server via VNC now' link on general tab of the server detail window.\n\nb) Use the IP address and VNC password as provided on the general tab of the server detail window.\n\nc) After a few seconds you should see your server appear.\n\n\n3. Update your root/superuser password\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nThe default account is: root\nThe default root/superuser password is set to: CloudSigma .\n\nPlease CHANGE this IMMEDIATELY after first connecting with VNC.\n\na) Open a terminal or use the command line.\n\nb) Type the command:\n\npasswd\n\nc) When prompted enter the password 'CloudSigma' (no quotes should be typed) again and press return. You will then be prompted to enter a new password. We recommend a password of at least 8 characters including upper case and lower case letters as well as numbers.\n\nd) CloudSigma does not have access to your server account passwords. It is imperative that you securely store and manage your own passwords for your servers.\n\ne) Please note your root/superuser password is different from your VNC password. You can change your VNC password from the web console at any time.\n\n\n4. Expanding your drive\n--------------------------------\n\nThe system is fully installed, but you will need to extend the disk partition to cover the whole of your drive if you chose a disk size greater than 20GB. There are a number of tools which you can use to achieve this included GParted, the CD of which is also available in the drives library.\n\n\n4. Enabling Remote Access\n--------------------------------------\n\nVNC access is always enabled in our cloud allowing emergency recovery. We recommend using SSH to access your server for command line actions. By default this is turned off initially for security reasons. You will need to enable and install SSH if you wish to use it for access moving forward.\n\n\n5. Networking\n-------------------------\na) IP networking can be left as DHCP. Even if you are using a static IP address with this server our management layer will apply the same IP address via DHCP. Using DHCP ensures you will have no issues receiving the correct networking settings. We recommend using DHCP initially if only to receive all the correct networking settings.\n\nb) CloudSigma employs an open networking infrastructure. All ports are open for inbound and outbound traffic with the exception of port 25 (SMTP) which is blocked for trial users.\n\nIt is important that you secure access to your server according to your needs. encryption:cipher aes-xts-plain user 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 autoexpanding false read:requests 1 free true type disk write:requests 5242881 size 53687091200