status active use dbserver,general name SQL Server Standard 2008 R2 - Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 - 64bit English pub clone bits 64 url read:bytes 4096 description Please refer to the install notes for a full guide to initial configuration. write:bytes 21474840576 drive a814def5-1789-49a0-bf88-7abe7bb1682a install_notes ***You must update the default Administrator password for Windows Server Standard 2008 and the Super Administrator password (sa) for SQL Server Standard 2008***\n\nPre-installed Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 64bit English on 15/07/2010\n=========================================================================\n\n1. Minimum Hardware Requirements\n--------------------------------\n\nThe recommended minimum hardware requirements for the use of SQL Server Standard 2008 R2 with Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 as publishes by Microsoft can be found through the following link:\n\n\n\n\n2. Update your administrator password\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe default administrator password is set to: CloudSigma1\n\nPlease CHANGE this IMMEDIATELY after first logging on.\n\na) Open the "Control Panel" and select "User Accounts"\n\nb) Select "Change your Windows Password"\n\nc) The Administrator user icon will be shown on the right, select again "Change your Password", and on this screen update your details accordingly\n\n\n3. Expanding your drive\n-----------------------\n\nThe system is fully installed, but you will need to extend the\ndisk partition to cover the whole of your drive. To do this:\n\na) Open the "Computer Management" tool from "Administrative Tools" on the "Start" menu.\n\nb) Select "Storage" then "Disk Management" in the left hand pane\n\nc) Right-click on the 12.90 GB NTFS primary partition, and select "Extend Volume"\n\nd) Enter the amount of disk space that you want to increase the Volume size by (the default will be the maximum available)\n\nYou will need to repeat this procedure if you ever resize this drive in the future.\n\n\n4. Enabling Remote Access\n-------------------------\n\nAfter logging in to VNC for the first time to configure your new Windows server, we recommend that if you are logging in from a Windows Desktop that you enable Remote Desktop for better access performance. To do this, follow these instructions:\n\na) Select "Start" | "Applications" | "Control Panel"\n\nb) Select "System and Security"\n\nc) Under "System" select "Allow Remote Access"\n\nd) Select the corresponding connection according to your Security Configuration\n\n\n5. Pinging Service\n------------------\n\nThe Pinging service has been turned on by default, if you wish to disable it please follow these instructions:\n\na) Select the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" tool from "Administrative Tools" on the "Start" menu.\n\nb) On the left hand pane, select "Inbound Rules"\n\nc) On the middle pane, select the rules "File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)" and "File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-In)"\n\nd) From the right-hand pane, select "Disable Rules"\n\n\nSQL Server 2008 R2 on 15/07/2010\n================================\n\n1. Change the Super Administrator Password (sa). \n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe default password has been set to "CloudSigma1"\n\na) Open "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"\n\nb) Connect to the Server Using "Windows Indentificaiton"\n\nc) From the Object Explorer select "Security" then "Longins"\n\nd) Right-click on sa and select "Properties"\n\ne) Enter the new password into "Password" and "Confirm Password" and press "OK"\n\n\n2. The following features were installed:\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\na) Main features\n\n-Database Engine Services\n-SQL Server Replication\n-Full-Text Search\n-Analysis Services\n-Reporting Services\n\nb) Shared Features\n\n-Business Intelligengce Development Studio\n-Client Tools Connectivity\n-Integration Services\n-Clinet Tools Backwards Compatibility\n-Clinet Tools SDK\n-SQL Server Books Online\n-Mangement Tools - Basic\n-Management Tools - Complete\n-SQL Client Connectivity SDK\n-Microsoft Sync Framework\n\n3 The following services were configured:\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nService: SQL Server Agent\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE\nStartup Type: Manual\n\nService: SQL Server Database Engine\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE\nStartup Type: Automatic\n\nService: SQL Server Analysis Services\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE\nStartup Type: Disabled\n\nService: SQL Server Reporting Services\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE\nStartup Type: Disabled\n\nService: SQL Server Integration Services 10.1\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE\nStartup Type: Disabled\n \nService: SQL Full-text filter Daemon Lanuch\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\LOCALSERVICE\nStartup Type: Disabled\n\nService: SQL Server Browser\nUser: NT AUTHORITY\LOCALSERVICE\nStartup Type: Disabled\n\nFor detailed server installation configuration refer to the following installation log files on the system:\nC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20100716_162426\Summary_WIN-K0F21FV1C1V_20100716_162426.txt\n volume 000431a5-46d9-4a67-9c03-3c3402a41992 host 00043e69-ac57-45b1-8692-75db24064fb9 os windows user 93b34fd9-7986-4b25-8bfd-98a50383605d read:requests 1 licenses msft_p73_04837 msft_tfa_00009 type disk write:requests 5242881 size 21474836480