apache > lenya

The Workflow State Machine


A workflow description is called a workflow schema. It is a guarded automaton:

W = (S, T, E, C, A, V, s0)


  • S is a set of states

  • E is a set of events

  • C is a set of conditions

  • A is a set of actions

  • V is a set of boolean variables

  • Ass is a set of assignments: Ass subseteq V x {true, false}

  • T is a set of transitions: T subseteq E x S --> S x CS x AS

    • with

    • CS subseteq C

    • AS = {(A1, ..., An)} for Ai in A union Ass and n in N0

  • s0 in S is the initial state


A workflow instance is defined as follows:

I = (W, s, i)


  • a workflow schema W = (S, T, E, C, A, V, s0)

  • a current state s in S

  • a variable instantiation i: V --> {true, false}

Be I = (W, s, i) a workflow instance. The successor of I for the event e is

(a) the workflow instance I' = (W, s', i') with

  • there is a t in T with

    • t = (e, s, s', cs, as)

    • all c in cs are complied

  • i'(v) = b for all v with (v, b) in as

  • i'(v) = i(v) for all other v

(b) I, if such a t does not exist.

Invoking a Transition

When an event e is invoked on a workflow instance I, the following algorithm is executed:

  • The current state scurrent is determined.
  • The transition t from scurrent to snext which has the event e is determined.
  • If t is not exactly defined, an exception is thrown.
  • All conditions of t are validated.
  • If all conditions are complied, the transition t fires:
    • All assignments of t are executed.
    • The workflow instance I is advanced to the state snext.