TinyMCE Editor integration for Lenya 1.4 Installation: - Download TinyMCE from http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ and unpack the archive in the resources directory of this module. That should give you a subdirectory named "tinymce" OR Download TinyMCE and unpack the archive in {yourpub}/lenya/modules/tinymce/resource/ - Optionally download additional language packs and unpack them in the same place. (The new files will end up in tinymce/ as well.) - Add the appropriate permissions to $YOURPUB/config/ac/usecase-policies.xml, for example: This will allow the "admin" and "edit" roles to access the usecases to edit and upload images. - To add a menu entry, in $YOURPUB/config/publication.xconf add next to the other module declarations. This does not work in the default publication, because it creates its own custom menus. But for a quick test, you can append "?lenya.usecase=tinymce.edit" to your address-bar URL. This module has been developed and tested with TinyMCE 2.0.6.