Lens server emits following metrics for query service
Lens server also emits following metrics for other services
Lens server also emits jvm, gc, memory and thread level metrics.
Ganglia metrics can be enabled by configuring the parameters : lens.server.enable.gangla.metrics, lens.server.metrics.ganglia.serverName, lens.server.metrics.ganglia.port, lens.server.metrics.reporting.period.
Lens server provides admin endpoint at host:port/admin. It provides end points for ping, metrics, threads and healthcheck.
Lens Server can be configured to emit query related statistics to a hive table QueryExecutionStatistics.The statistics service can be configured by providing values to lens.statistics.warehouse.dir set to a HDFS location where your query statistics log file will be persisted, lens.statistics.db the database which will contain all statistics related tables and lens.log.rollover.interval time interval which service will be monitoring for rollover in log file.The statistics can be disabled by setting, lens.server.statistics.store.class to empty string. The statistics service works by monitoring for rollups of query-stats.log file by log4j and adds an appropriate partition based on the rolled over file. The statistics can be queried using Hive queries.