To: Subject: (slightly) revised URI agenda Danvers IETF URI working group From: Larry Masinter Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 23:10:09 PST Two modifications to the URI working group agenda: First, we've been informed that: > I wanted to let you know that on Monday morning we're going to need to > separate the ballroom into three sections to accommodate the multicast > breakouts, etc. URI will be meeting in one of those rooms. At 0930 > awhen the plenary sessions ends the hotel will be pulling the airwalls > to create the three sections. There will be a delay in the start time > of the sessions. We're hoping no more than 15 minutes. Second: Bill Arms of CNRI will be talking about the CS-TR 'handle' service as a possible URN system. Thus, we have a compressed schedule for talking about URNs on Monday. I've left open the possibility that we'll want as a group to continue URN discussion on Tuesday at the expense of cutting into some URC work. I urge all of the presenters to keep their presentation brief, and for us to save discussion until we've heard all of the presentations. I've arbitrarily allocated 15 minutes to each document for the author(s) to review the document's highlights; this is negotiable (in advance) of course. ================================================================ Agenda for USV uri Uniform Resource Identifers WG Monday, April 3, 1995 0930-1130 Morning Sessions (mbone) 05 Agenda check & approval of last meeting's minutes 15 Daniel La Liberte & Michael Shapiro The PATH URN specification draft-ietf-uri-urn-path-00.txt 15 Leslie Daigle & Peter Deutsch Uniform Resource Agents draft-ietf-uri-ura-00.txt 15 Ron Daniel & Paul Hoffman Scheme/Authority/Element URNs draft-ietf-uri-yaurn-00.txt 15 William Arms (not internet draft, but see 05 stretch break 50 Discussion of presentations and URN schemes ================================================================ Tuesday, April 4, 1995 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I (mbone) 30 URC Scenarios and Requirements Ron Daniel & Michael Mealing draft-ietf-uri-urc-req-01.txt 02 Agenda check 28 continued URC discussion 05 stretch break 15 Relative URLs Roy Fielding draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-05.txt 15 Z39.50 URL John Kunze draft-ietf-uri-url-irp-02.txt 15 Finger, Mailserver URLs, and URL-scheme extension mechanism draft-ietf-uri-url-finger-02.txt draft-ietf-uri-url-mailserver-01.txt