[ Changes for 0.05 - Thu, 21 Oct 2004 ] * Add support for ETags and If-None-Match. Our ETags are crc32 checksums of the entries, concatenated together. If we see a fragment that matches an entry's crc32 in the client's If-None-Match we drop it. * Account for the fact that Content-Type headers can have arguments. * Genericified some stuff so it will be easier to add support for other feed formats in the future. * Added an Apache::Test based test suite. [ Changes for 0.04 - Sun, 19 Sep 2004 ] * Fake up a status line so we can work with versions of Apache that do not have support in the core for the 226 status code. * Work around the weird way APR-Util's XML code treats xml:lang attributes. * Compare namespaces as well as element names when looking for the atom:entry and atom:modified elements. * Added a configure script and makefile. [ Changes for 0.03 - Sat, 18 Sep 2004 ] * Fix bug in parsing of A-IM header that would cause us to not work in cases where more than one IM was specified by the client. * Switch to GenX instead of the APR-Util XML code for outputting the document. * Various code cleanups. [ Changes for 0.02 - Thu, 16 Sep 2004 ] * Initial public release. [ Changes for 0.01 - Thu, 16 Sep 2004 ] * Unreleased.