Penihip - a name generator Generate new words by applying a caesar cipher to existing words. Description: New words are needed for software projects, usernames, commercial products. Using existing relevant words as a starting point, Penihip applies a specified offset number of characters to shift along the alphabet, thereby creating new words. The consonants and vowels are shifted within their own set. Therefore the generated words are more likely able to be spoken. It does not attempt to handle sentence structure, grammar, etc. or be a spoken language generator. The name "penihip" is the ciphertext achieved by one-right-shift using the plaintext word "namegen" (as in "Name Generator"). It is becoming ever harder to find names for products that are not already taken. Creating fanciful new names is one possibility. Status: There is a Perl script "penihip" as the initial implementation. Usage: Gather some words that describe your product. Words with length between four to seven characters seem to yield the best results. Follow the usage instructions to run the tool, e.g. ./penihip -e < test-encipher-input.txt Search the internet to ensure that the new words are suitable. Use a bigger offset number of characters to try for other words, or apply a reverse cipher. Further work: Perhaps better handling of some cases where multiple vowels will create strange words. Improve the initial Perl implemenmtation. Perhaps other programming language implementations, e.g. Java.