Download Instruction Slice is available as a single jar. *----------+---------------------------------------------------------------* | Version | Download *----------+---------------------------------------------------------------* | 0.1.0 | {{{}openjpa-slice-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar}} | *----------+---------------------------------------------------------------* | 0.2.0 | {{{}openjpa-slice-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar}} | *----------+---------------------------------------------------------------* * Get the source code Source code is maintained in Apache SubVersion repository +--------------------------------------------------------- svn co slice +--------------------------------------------------------- will fetch the repository content to your local machine, in <<>> subdirectory relative to the current directory. * Build from source To build the project and run the tests, you need {{{}Maven 2.0.x}}. +--------------------------------------------------------- $ mvn package +--------------------------------------------------------- will compile the source code, run the tests and create a . <>: The tests currently assume that two MySQL databases named <<>> and <<>> are available in <<>>. If you are using a different database, then [[a]] edit <<>> accordingly [[b]] add \ in <<>> for the database driver being used.