------ Maven 2 SableCC plugin ------ Jesse McConnell ------ Mon Aug 1 2005 ------ Maven 2 SableCC plugin This plugin is for processing grammer files into java sources. SableCC is a great mechanism for specifying a grammer and then generating the supporting implementaion of java classes. See http://www.sablecc.org for more information about SableCC itself. This plugin will process all *.grammer files in the sourceDirectory into a common generated sources output directory. This will occur during the generate-resources phase and the sources directory will be added to the project for the compile phase. Available Configuration Options: * sourceDirectory - src/main/sablecc * outputDirectory - target/generated-sources/sablecc * timestampDirectory - target (used so grammers are not constantly regenerated) [] Usage: ------------------- ... org.apache.maven.plugins maven-sablecc-plugin ... ... -------------------