Boardcast boardcast Utilities to assist ASF projects in the creation of accurate and timely board reports Remembering 3 months of project activity can be difficult, and by the time all the standard information is gathered, there's little time left for discussing the real state of the project. This lab aims to keep track of standard reportable project information over a stated time period, such as: - committers added, departed - PMC members added, departed - releases made - upcoming releases (roadmap) - events / conferences - project level issues Scope could possibly include: - notification of reports due (Marvin) While this could also gather other tools to better understand how a community is operating, that is likely to fit better under a separate lab (such as MBoxer, Pulse) to keep this focused. Challenges: - It may become necessary to record and report on information private to the PMC / membership at the time of the report 2007-5-14 active Brett Porter 2bc301a7dd2af0e602af7ca310df08d72aba1bdd java