= Files = This scheme supports up to ~180PB value data and ~150PB key data. == [0-9]+.v == Values postings partition file. This file is NOT affected by rehashing. Header: 1024 bytes {{{ int Offset in this partition for next new posting. int Bytes left for use in this partition. }}} Posting data: {{{ byte Flag 0 = never used 1 = in use 2 = deleted int Length in bytes of serializaed value. 0 == null byte[] Serialized value. }}} == [0-9]+.k == Key postings partition file. Chained postings. Each posting contains a unique key value and points at how to find the value associated with this key. This file is NOT affected by rehashing. Header: 1024 bytes {{{ int Offset in this partition for next new posting. int Bytes left for use in this partition. }}} Posting data: {{{ byte Flag 0 = never used 1 = in use 2 = deleted int Partition id of next key posting with the same hash code. -1 == end of keys chain int Offset in above key postings partition. long Key hash code int Paritition id of value posting. -1 == null int Offset in above value postings partition. int Length in bytes of serialized key. byte[] Serialized key }}} == [0-9]+.hc == Hash code postings partition file. Chained postings. Each postings has a unique hash code value and points at how to find the key posting for this hash code. This file is affected by rehashing. Header: 1024 bytes {{{ int Offset in this partition for next new posting. int Bytes left for use in this partition. }}} Posting data: {{{ byte Flag 0 = never used 1 = in use 2 = deleted long Key hash code. int Partition id of next hash code posting with the same hashtable posting position. -1 == null int Offset in above hash code postings partition. int Partition id of first key posting with this hash code. int Offset in above key postings partition. }}} == [0-9]+.ht == Hashtable file. There is never more than one of these that are valid at any given time. The position in the hashtable for a given hash code is calculated as (hash & (capacity - 1)). At this position there is a posting that points at the first known hash code posting. This file is affected by rehashing. Header: 1024 bytes {{{ int This hashtable postings file capacity. }}} Posting data: {{{ int Partition id of first hash code posting with this hashtable position. -1 == null int Offset in above hash code postings partition. }}} == metadata == Contains information about the database. {{{ int File format version. long Commit version, will increase by one after each modification to the database. int Current hashtable file id. -- will change after rehash. int Current hash code partition int Current keys partition int Current values partition long Total number of value postings. }}}