h2. Goal {{features:add-features-to-repo}} The {{features:add-features-to-repo}} goal adds all the required bundles for a given set of features into directory. You can use this goal to create a {{/system}} directory for building your own Karaf-based distribution. By default, the Karaf core features descriptors (standard and enterprise) are automatically included in the descriptors set. h3. Example The example below copies the bundles for the {{spring}} and {{war}} features defined in the Karaf features XML descriptor into the {{target/features-repo}} directory. {pygmentize:xml} org.apache.karaf.tooling features-maven-plugin ${project.version} add-features-to-repo generate-resources add-features-to-repo mvn:my.groupid/my.artifactid/1.0.0/xml/features spring war my other/1.0-SNAPSHOT target/features-repo {pygmentize} h3. Parameters || Name || Type || Description || | {{descriptors}} | {{String[]}} | List of features XML descriptors where the features are defined \\ NB: Karaf core features descriptors (standard and enterprise) are automatically added in this list | | {{features}} | {{String[]}} | List of features that bundles should be copied to the repository directory. A feature could be just a feature name or a name/version. If it's just a name, the features-maven-plugin will take the first feature with the given name, whatever the version is. | | {{repository}} | {{File}} | The directory where the bundles will be copied by the plugin goal | | {{karafVersion}} | {{String}} | Target Karaf version to use to resolve the Karaf core features descriptors (standard and enterprise) |