<%-- /* * Copyright 2001-2013 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ Document : tmodelEditor Created on : Feb 27, 2013, 9:31:19 PM Author : Alex O'Ree --%> <%@page import="java.net.URLEncoder"%> <%@page import="org.uddi.api_v3.*"%> <%@page import="org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants"%> <%@page import="org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.*"%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@include file="header-top.jsp" %>

<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.tmodeleditor.title")%>

<% UddiHub x = UddiHub.getInstance(application, session); TModel bd = hub.getTmodelDetails(request.getParameter("id")); boolean newitem = false; if (bd == null) { bd = new TModel(); newitem = true; } %>

<% if (!newitem) { out.write(""); } %> <%= ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.tmodel.key.description")%> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "navbar.help")%>
id="<%=PostBackConstants.SERVICEKEY%>"><% if (!newitem) { out.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getTModelKey())); } %>

<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.tmodel.name")%> <% if (bd.getName() == null) { bd.setName(new Name()); } out.write("
"); //out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ": 
" + "
" + (bd.getName().getValue() == null ? " " : StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getName().getValue())) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.lang") + ": 
" + "
" + ((bd.getName().getLang() == null ? " " : StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getName().getLang()))) + "
"); out.write("
"); %>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.description")%> - <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.tmodel.description")%>
<% if (bd.getDescription() != null) //bd.(new Description()); { for (int i = 0; i < bd.getDescription().size(); i++) { out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ": 
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getDescription().get(i).getValue()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.lang") + ": 
" + "
" + (bd.getDescription().get(i).getLang() != null ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getDescription().get(i).getLang()) : "") + "
"); out.write("
"); } } %>
> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.editor.tmodel.deleted")%>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.editor.tabnav.overview")%> - <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.editor.tabnav.overview.description")%> <% out.write("
"); if (bd.getOverviewDoc() != null) for (int i = 0; i < bd.getOverviewDoc().size(); i++) { if (bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i) == null) { continue; } out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ": 
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i).getOverviewURL().getValue()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.type") + ": 
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i).getOverviewURL().getUseType()) + "
"); %> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.description.add")%> <% out.write("
"); for (int k = 0; k < bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i).getDescription().size(); k++) { out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ": 
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i).getDescription().get(k).getValue()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.lang") + ": 
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getOverviewDoc().get(i).getDescription().get(k).getLang()) + "
"); out.write("
"); //end of this instance of overview doc description } out.write("
");//end description out.write("
");//end this block } out.write("
");//end of overview %>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefcats")%>:
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefcat.add")%>
<%@include file="quickref_catbag.jsp" %>
<% if (bd.getCategoryBag() == null) { bd.setCategoryBag(new CategoryBag()); } // out.write("Keyed Reference Categories:"); for (int i = 0; i < bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().size(); i++) { out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write(//"
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key") + ":  
" "
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key") + " (" + "" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.picker") + ")" + " " + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getTModelKey()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.name") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getKeyName()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getKeyValue()) + "
"); out.write("
"); } %>

<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefgroup")%>:
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefgroup.add")%>
<%@include file="quickref_krgrp.jsp" %>
<% for (int i = 0; i < bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().size(); i++) { out.write("
" + "
" + "
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key") + " (" + "" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.picker") + ") " + " " + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().get(i).getTModelKey()) + "
" + "
" + "
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefcat.add") + "
"); for (int k = 0; k < bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().get(i).getKeyedReference().size(); k++) { out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key") + " (" + "" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.picker") + ")" + " " + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().get(i).getKeyedReference().get(k).getTModelKey()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.name") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().get(i).getKeyedReference().get(k).getKeyName()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getCategoryBag().getKeyedReferenceGroup().get(i).getKeyedReference().get(k).getKeyValue()) + "
"); out.write("
"); } out.write("
"); } %>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.identifiers")%> - <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.identifiers.description")%>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.keyrefcat.add")%>
<%@include file="quickref_ident.jsp" %>
<% if (bd.getIdentifierBag() == null) { bd.setIdentifierBag(new IdentifierBag()); } for (int i = 0; i < bd.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference().size(); i++) { out.write("
"); out.write("
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.key") + " (" + "" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.picker") + ")" + " " + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getTModelKey()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.name") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getKeyName()) + "
"); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.value") + ":  
" + "
" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(bd.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference().get(i).getKeyValue()) + "
"); out.write("
"); } %>
<% if (bd.getSignature().isEmpty()) { out.write(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.signed.not")); } else { out.write(ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.signed") + " " + bd.getSignature().size()); %> <% for (int k = 0; k < bd.getSignature().size(); k++) { out.write(""); } %>
# <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.signatures.signedby")%> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.signatures.status")%>
" + k + ""); out.write(x.SignatureToReadable(bd.getSignature().get(k))); out.write(""); out.write("" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.signed.viewcert") + ""); out.write("
" + ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "items.loading") + "
"); %> <% out.write("
<% } %>
<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.editor.tmodel.instances")%> - <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "pages.editor.tmodel.instances.content")%>
<% if (!newitem) { %>
<% } %>

<% if (bd.getSignature().isEmpty()) { %> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.save")%> <% } else { %> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.save")%> <% } %> <% if (!newitem) { %> | <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.delete")%> | &type=tmodel"> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.sign")%> | " title="<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.subscribe.description")%>"> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.subscribe")%> | " title="<%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.transfer.description")%>"> <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.transfer")%> | <%=ResourceLoader.GetResource(session, "actions.asxml")%> <% } %>
<% if (!newitem) { %> <% } %> <%@include file="tmodelChooser.jsp" %> <%@include file="keyHelpModal.jsp" %> <%@include file="header-bottom.jsp" %>