juddi-client.net This project is a complete port of the Java juddi-client project. Prerequists -.NET 3.5 -Nunit 2.6.1 or better Build Instructions msbuild.exe juddi-client.net\juddi-client.net.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU" /m Tests "%NUNIT_HOME%\bin\nunit-console.exe" juddi-client.net.test\bin\Debug\juddi-client.net.test.dll Integration Tests Start Tomcat or a container with jUDDIv3.war deployed (and working!) "%NUNIT_HOME%\bin\nunit-console.exe" juddi-client.net-integration.test\bin\Debug\juddi-client.net-integration.test.dll Some quick notes on usage. This assembly is not signed (mostly to make portability easier). You'll probably need to sign it at somepoint. Consult Microsoft documentation on how to do this. Start your own .NET project Add a reference to juddi-client.net.dll Add a copy of juddi-client.net-sample\uddi.xml (set it to copy to output directory always) Follow the patterns in the example projects and consult the documentation Important, you'll want to run in your code something similar to what's in the code for juddi-client-installer. It's purpose to solely to register the logging system with windows and it requires elevated privledges to do so.