== UDDI Migration and Backup Tool The UDDI Migration and Backup Tool can be used to perform a number of administrative tasks such as - Backup the contents of a UDDI server (business, services, binding templates and tModels) - Import contents into a UDDI server (business, services, binding templates and tModels) In addition, the migration tool has a few features that serve as job aids. - Ability to remove digital signatures on Import or Export - Ability to maintain ownership properties of UDDI entries - Ability to export and import Publishers (jUDDI only) - Automatically skip an item on import if the entity key already exists The UDDI Migration and Backup Tool is Command Line Interface program and has a number of use cases such as: * Copying data from one registry to another * Migrating from one vendor to another * Periodic backups * Upgrades to jUDDI TIP: The migration tool will not overwrite data when importing. === Using the tool There are many configuration options and settings for the migration tool. This tool is distributed with the uddi client distribution package. ==== Get help ---- >java -jar juddi-migration-tool-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar This tool is used to export and import UDDI data from a UDDI v3 registry Random TIP: Without the preserveOwnership flag, all imported data will be owned by the username that imported it. usage: java -jar juddi-migration-tool-(VERSION)-jar-with-dependencies.jar -business Im/Export option, file to store the business data, default is 'business-export.xml' -config Use an alternate config file default is 'uddi.xml' -credFile Import option with -preserveOwnership, this is a properties file mapping with user=pass -export Exports data into a UDDIv3 registry -import Imports data into a UDDIv3 registry -isJuddi Is this a jUDDI registry? If so we can in/export more stuff -mappings Im/Export option, file that maps keys to owners, default is 'entityusermappings.properties' -myItemsOnly Export option, Only export items owned by yourself -node The node 'name' in the config, default is 'default' -pass Password, if not defined, those is uddi.xml will be used -preserveOwnership Im/Export option, saves owership data to the 'mappings' file -publishers jUDDI only - In/Export option, file to store publishers, default is 'publishers-export.xml' -stripSignatures Im/Export option, removes digital signatures from all signed items, default is false -tmodel Im/Export for tmodels, file to store tmodel data, default is 'tmodel-export.xml' -user Username, if not defined, those is uddi.xml will be used ---- ==== Use case: basic import and export To export everything without preserving ownership information: ---- java -jar juddi-migration-tool-(VERSION)-jar-with-dependencies.jar -export ---- To import everything without preserving ownership information: ---- java -jar juddi-migration-tool-(VERSION)-jar-with-dependencies.jar -import ---- ==== Use case: Import and Export while preserving ownership information To export everything with preserving ownership information: ---- java -jar juddi-migration-tool-(VERSION)-jar-with-dependencies.jar -export -preserveOwnership ---- To import everything with preserving ownership information, first edit the mappings file which is entityusermappings.properties by default. Once every user has a password, run the following command ---- java -jar juddi-migration-tool-(VERSION)-jar-with-dependencies.jar -import -preserveOwnership ---- TIP: When preserving ownership information, upon import, you'll need every UDDI entity owner's password. If you don't have this and you're using jUDDI, you can temporarily switch jUDDI to the 'DefaultAuthenticator' which doesn't validate passwords (just put anything in the mappings file for each user). Once the import is complete, you can then switch back to whatever authenticator you were using before.