#/* # * Copyright 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation. # * # * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # * # */ # Global base messages file. #-- UDDI-specific messages E_accountLimitExceeded=Save request exceeds the quantity limits for a given data type. E_assertionNotFound=Publisher assertion cannot be identified in a save or delete operation. E_authTokenExpired=Authentication token information has timed out. E_authTokenRequired=Authentication token is missing or is invalid. E_busy=The request cannot be processed at the current time. E_categorizationNotAllowed= E_fatalError=A serious technical error has occurred while processing the request. E_historyDataNotAvailable=Requested history data is not available for the time period requested. E_invalidCategory= E_invalidCompletionStatus=Assertion status value passed is unrecognized. E_invalidCombination=Invalid find qualifier combination E_invalidKeyPassed=An invalid key has been passed E_invalidProjection=An attempt was made to save a businessEntity containing a service projection where the serviceKey does not belong to the business designated by the businessKey. E_invalidTime=The time period, the date/time, or the pair of date/time is invalid. E_invalidURLPassed= E_invalidValue=A value that was passed in a keyValue attribute did not pass validation. E_keyRetired= E_keyUnavailable=The proposed key is in a partition that has already been assigned to some other publisher. E_languageError= E_messageTooLarge=The message is too large. E_nameTooLong= E_operatorMismatch= E_publisherCancelled= E_requestDenied=Subscription cannot be renewed. E_requestTimeout=The request could not be carried out because a needed Web service did not respond in a reasonable amount of time. E_resultSetTooLarge=The UDDI node deems that a result set from an inquiry is too large, and requests to obtain the results are not honored, even using subsets. E_secretUnknown= E_success= E_tokenAlreadyExists=Key already exists in transfer request E_tooManyOptions= E_transferAborted= E_transferNotAllowed=The transfer request is not allowed E_unknownUser=The user ID and password pair passed in a get_authToken API is not known to the UDDI node or is not valid. E_unrecognizedVersion=The value of the namespace attribute is unsupported by the node being queried. E_unsupported=Unsupported feature or API. E_unvalidatable=An attempt was made to reference a value set in a keyedReference whose tModel is categorized with the unvalidatable categorization. E_userMismatch=An attempt was made to use the publishing API to change data that is controlled by another party. E_valueNotAllowed=A value did not pass validation because of contextual issues. #-- General error messages errors.Unspecified=An unspecified error occurred errors.Unsupported=This version does not support this feature or API errors.Unsupported.findQualifier=Invalid findQualifier value was passed errors.configuration.Retrieval=An error occurred attempting to retrieve configuration information errors.install.AlreadyInstalled=It appears that the application is already installed. Please un-install before proceeding. errors.NullInput=No input was provided for this API call errors.keyunavailable.BadPartition=The proposed key is not within the partition defined by owning publisher. If you're tring to create a new tModel in a new partition, try creating a tModel that ends in :keyGenerator errors.keyunavailable.KeyExists=The key used for the save operation already exists. Another key must be chosen errors.invalidkey.NullKey=The key cannot be null errors.invalidkey.MalformedKey=The passed key does not conform to UDDI v3 rules errors.invalidkey.KeyGenSuffix=The passed key generator key does not end with the appropriate suffix errors.invalidkey.NoKeys=No keys passed. At least one key must be passed errors.invalidkey.ClerkNotFound=The clerk was not found for the given name errors.invalidkey.DuplicateKey=A duplicate key was passed. No duplicates are allowed errors.invalidkey.PublisherNotFound=The publisher was not found for the given id errors.invalidkey.EntityNotFound=The entity was not found for the given id errors.invalidkey.BusinessNotFound=The business entity was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.ServiceNotFound=The business service was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.BindingTemplateNotFound=The binding template was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.TModelNotFound=The technical model was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.ParentServiceNotFound=The business service parent was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.ParentBusinessNotFound=The business entity parent was not found for the given key errors.invalidkey.ServiceKeyNotProvidedWithProjection=Attempting to project a service when the service key was not provided. The non-owning businessEntity cannot generate a key for a projected service errors.invalidkey.ProjectedServiceNotFound=Attempting to project a service when the service does not exist errors.invalidkey.businessservice.ParentMismatch=The service being saved has a different parent business key then the one provided errors.invalidkey.bindingtemplate.ParentMismatch=The binding template being saved has a different parent service key then the one provided errors.invalidkey.SubscriptionNotFound=The subscription was not found for the given key errors.invalidKey.KeysOwned=Either the to key for the from key must be specified on a keysOwned structure errors.invalidkey.SubscripKeyNotFound=The subscriptionKey was not found for the given id errors.invalidkey.NodeNotFound=The node was not found for the key given name errors.invalidprojection.ParentMismatch=The supplied business key doesn't match the actual business key of the service being projected errors.usermismatch.InvalidOwner=The user is not authorized to access the given entity errors.usermismatch.InvalidOwnerParent=The user is not authorized to access the given parent entity errors.config.InvalidTokenExpirationSetting=The authentication token expiration setting is missing or invalid, will default to 15 minutes. See juddiv3.properties file errors.accessPoint.bindingtemplateRedirect.keynotexist=The access point contains a useType specifying a referenced binding template which does not exist. errors.accessPoint.hostingRedirector.notaurl=The access point value is not a valid URL. This URL should be a URL to another UDDI registry #-- Error messages related to entities and other data structures errors.savebusiness.NoInput=At least one BusinessEntity must be provided errors.saveservice.NoInput=At least one BusinessService must be provided errors.savebinding.NoInput=At least one BindingTemplate must be provided errors.saveclientsubscriptionKey.NoInput=The SubscriptionKey must be provided errors.saveClerk.NoInput=At least one Clerk must be provided errors.saveNodes.NoInput=At least one Node must be provided errors.savetmodel.NoInput=At least one tModel must be provided errors.addpublisherassertions.NoInput=At least one publisherAssertion must be provided errors.businessentity.NullInput=The businessEntity structure cannot be blank errors.businessservice.NullInput=The businessService structure cannot be blank errors.bindingtemplate.NullInput=The bindingTemplate structure cannot be blank errors.bindingtemplate.NoAccessPoint=A binding template must contain either an access point or a hosting redirector element, but not both errors.tmodel.NullInput=The tModel structure cannot be blank errors.tmodel.NoName=A tModel must contain a name errors.tmodel.keygenerator.BadCategory=A Key Generator tModel must have exactly one 'types' category (categoryBag/keyedReference/value) whose value is 'keyGenerator' errors.tmodel.keygenerator.RootKeyGen=A Key Generator cannot be added for the root publisher. Try signing in as a different user errors.pubassertion.NullInput=The publisherAssertion structure cannot be blank errors.pubassertion.BlankKeyedRef=The keyedReference of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank. All fields must contain content. errors.pubassertion.BlankFromKey=The fromKey of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank. errors.pubassertion.BlankToKey=The toKey of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank. errors.pubassertion.SameBusinessKey=The fromKey and toKey refer to the same business errors.pubassertion.UserMismatch=The publisher does not own either referenced businessEntity of the publisherAssertion errors.pubassertion.NoPubAssertions=No publisher assertions were passed. At least one assertion must be passed errors.pubassertion.AssertionNotFound=The publisher assertion was not found for the given key errors.businessservices.NoInput=A businessServices collection must contain at least one businessService errors.bindingtemplates.NoInput=A bindingTemplates collection must contain at least one bindingTemplate errors.names.NoInput=At least one name is required errors.names.TooLong=At least one name is required errors.names.NoValue=A name was provided with no value errors.names.LangTooLong=A name language was provided that is too long, only 26 characters are permitted. errors.names.UseTypeTooLong=The field 'useType' must be less than 256 characters errors.DescriptionTooLong=The field 'description' must be less than 256 characters errors.keys.TooLong=Key lengths are limited to 255 characters or less errors.url.overviewTooLong=Overview URLs are limited to 4096 characters errors.accessPoint.TooLong=Access points are limited to 4096 characters errors.sortCode.TooLong=Sort codes are limited to 10 characters errors.keyname.TooLong=Key Names are limited to 255 characters errors.phone.noinput=No input provided for phone value errors.phone.TooLong=Phone numbers are limited to 50 characters errors.email.TooLong=Email addresses are limited to 4096 characters errors.email.noinput=No input provided for email errors.hostingredirector.noinput=No input provided for hosting redirector errors.hostingredirector.TooLong=The input provided for hosting redirector is too long, only 255 characters are allowed errors.addressline.noinput=No input provided for address lines errors.addressline.TooLong=Address lines are limited to 80 characters errors.hostingredirector.keynotexist=When specifying a hosting redirector field, the referenced binding template must exist already errors.keyvalue.TooLong=Key values are limited to 255 characters errors.tmodel.ReferencedKeyDoesNotExist=The referenced tModel key does not exist. This can be caused when specifying a tModel key that is not defined and when jUDDI's referential integrity validation is enabled. errors.tmodel.ReferentialIntegrityNullConfig=Configuration object is null, I won't be able to process referential integrity checks on tmodel keys errors.tmodel.ReferentialIntegrityNullEM=The entity manager is null, I won't be able to process referential integrity checks on tmodel keys errors.contacts.NoInput=At least one contact is required errors.contact.NullInput=The contact structure cannot be blank errors.contact.NoPersonName=The contact structure must contain at least one personName errors.contact.NoAddressLine=Each contact address must contain at least one addressLine errors.discurls.NoInput=A discoveryURLs collection must have at least one discoveryURL errors.categorybag.NoInput=A category bag must have at least one keyedReference or keyedReferenceGroup errors.identifierbag.NoInput=An identifier bag must have at least one keyedReference errors.keyedreference.NullInput=The keyed reference (or group) cannot be blank errors.keyedreference.NoTModelKey=The keyed reference (or group) must contain a tModel key errors.keyedreference.NoKeyValue=The keyed reference (or group) must contain a key value errors.keyedreference.NodeCategoryTModel=The node categorization tModel is not allowed errors.tmodelinstdetails.NoInput=A tModelInstanceDetails structure must have at least one tModelInstanceInfo errors.tmodelinstinfo.NullInput=The tModelInstanceInfo structure cannot be blank errors.tmodelinstinfo.NoTModelKey=The tModelInstanceInfo structure must contain a tModel key errors.instdetails.NoOverviewOrParms=The instanceDetails structure must contain either an overviewDoc or instanceParms errors.overviewdoc.NullInput=The overviewDoc structure cannot be blank errors.overviewdoc.NoDescOrUrl=The overviewDoc structure must contain either a description or overviewURL errors.findqualifiers.NoInput=The findQualifier collection must contain at least one findQualifier. Try 'approximateMatch' errors.findqualifiers.DuplicateValue=A duplicate findQualifier was passed. No duplicates are allowed errors.findqualifiers.InvalidCombo=An invalid findQualifier combination occurred errors.findbusiness.NoInput=At least one search criterion must be supplied. Try using '%' as a wild card with the a 'approximateMatch' find qualifer for everything errors.findservice.NoInput=At least one name, categoryBag, find_tModel or tModelBag or name must be supplied errors.findbinding.NoInput=At least one categoryBag, find_tModel or tModelBag must be supplied errors.findtmodel.NoInput=At least one categoryBag, identifierBag or name must be supplied errors.findrelatedbusiness.NoInput=At least one businessKey, fromKey or toKey must be supplied errors.findrelatedbusiness.MultipleInput=Only one businessKey, fromKey or toKey can be supplied errors.findrelatedbusiness.BlankKeyedRef=All fields of the keyedReference provided in find_relatedBusiness must contain values errors.tmodelbag.NoInput=A tModel key must be supplied in the tModelBag errors.keybag.NoInput=A key bag must have at least one key errors.keybag.NullInput=Key bag cannot be null. errors.discardtransfertoken.NoInput=A discard_transferToken request must contain either a transferToken or keyBag errors.gettransfertoken.KeyExists=The key already exists in a transfer request errors.gettransfertoken.InvalidEntity=The key refers to an invalid entity. Only a BusinessEntity or TModel can be transferred errors.transfertoken.NullInput=A transfer token must be supplied errors.transferentities.TokenNotFound=The supplied transfer token was not found errors.transferentities.TokenExpired=The supplied transfer token has expired errors.transferentities.KeyMismatch=A supplied key does not match a key associated with the transfer request errors.savesubscription.NoInput=At least one Subscription must be provided errors.subscription.NullInput=The subscription structure cannot be blank errors.subscription.NoFilterOnNewSubscription=No subscription filter was provided on this new subscription request errors.subscription.BlankFilter=A filter structure was provided but no filter criteria was specified errors.subscription.TooManyFilters=Only one filter is allowed per subscription request errors.getsubscriptionresult.SubscriptionExpired=The passed subscription has expired errors.getsubscriptionresult.NullCoveragePeriod=The coverage period cannot be blank errors.getsubscriptionresult.InvalidDateInCoveragePeriod=The coverage period must contain valid dates for start and end points errors.getsubscriptionresult.StartPointAfterEndPoint=The start point in the coverage period cannot be later than the end point errors.getsubscriptionresult.InvalidChunkToken=You have provided an invalid chunk token errors.getsubscriptionresult.NonMatchingChunkToken=The provided chunk token does not match the subscription parameters errors.getsubscriptionresult.ExpiredChunkToken=The provided chunk token has expired errors.subscriptionnotifier.client=Client did not receive notification data errors.getregisteredinfo.NoInfoSelection=The infoSelection argument is required #-- jUDDI-specific API messages errors.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to perform this function errors.savepublisher.NoInput=At least one Publisher must be provided errors.savepublisher.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to save publishers errors.save.maxBusinessesExceeded=The maximum allowed number of businesses are exceed for this publisher errors.save.maxServicesExceeded=The maximum allowed number of services are exceed for this business errors.save.maxBindingsExceeded=The maximum allowed number of bindings are exceed for this service errors.save.maxTModelsExceeded=The maximum allowed number of tmodels are exceed for this publisher errors.deletepublisher.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to delete publishers errors.publisher.NullInput=The Publisher structure cannot be blank errors.publisher.NoAuthorizedName=A valid publisher authorized name was not specified errors.publisher.NoPublisherName=A valid publisher name was not specified errors.clerk.NullInput=The Clerk structure cannot be blank errors.clerk.NullNodeInput=The Node structure on Clerk cannot be blank errors.clerk.NoName=A valid clerk name was not specified errors.clerk.NoPublisherName=A valid publisher name was not specified errors.node.NullInput=The Node structure cannot be blank errors.node.NoNameA valid node name was not specified #-- Authentication error messages errors.auth.AuthRequired=Authentication is required for this API call errors.auth.AuthInvalid=Invalid authentication information errors.auth.AuthTokenExpired=The authentication token is expired errors.auth.InvalidUserId=An invalid user identification was passed errors.auth.InvalidCredentials=Invalid credentials were passed errors.auth.NoPublisher=The user provided does not have a publishing account errors.auth.cryptor.InvalidKey=Invalid Key Exception in crypting the password errors.auth.cryptor.Padding=Padding Exception in crypting the password errors.auth.cryptor.Algorithm=Algorithm Exception in crypting the password errors.auth.cryptor.AlgorithmParam=Algorithm parameter Exception in crypting the password errors.auth.cryptor.BlockSize=Block size Exception in crypting the password errors.auth.cryptor.BadPadding=Bad Padding Exception in crypting the password #-- Local transport error messages errors.local.soapnotfound=A UDDI request was not found in the SOAP message errors.local.serviceoperation=The UDDI service operation could not be identified errors.local.generic=A UDDI generic attribute value was not found for the request. UDDI generic attribute must be present errors.local.serviceoperation.unsupported=The UDDI service operation specified in unknown or unsupported errors.local.responseobject.unknown=The response object type is unknown errors.local.registryunavailable=The registry is currently unavailable errors.local.operation.notidentified=The UDDI service operation could not be identified errors.local.inquiry.notsupported=The operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Inquiry API errors.local.publish.notsupported=The operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Publish API errors.local.security.notsupported=The operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Security API