<%@ page session="false" %> <%@ page import="java.util.List, org.apache.juddi.config.Install, javax.xml.bind.JAXBException, org.uddi.v3_service.DispositionReportFaultMessage, org.apache.juddi.config.AppConfig, org.apache.juddi.config.Property, org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessEntity, org.uddi.api_v3.Name, org.uddi.api_v3.Description, java.io.IOException, org.apache.juddi.config.Release" %> Apache jUDDI Registry

Apache jUDDI version <%= Release.getRegistryVersion() %>

Welcome to Apache jUDDI!

jUDDI Installation

<% // This will tirgger the install process... String rootPartition = AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(Property.JUDDI_ROOT_PARTITION); String nodeId = AppConfig.getConfiguration().getString(Property.JUDDI_NODE_ID); String nodeName = ""; String nodeDescription = ""; BusinessEntity be = Install.getNodeBusinessEntity(nodeId); if (be != null) { Name n = (Name) be.getName().get(0); if (n != null) nodeName = n.getValue(); List descList = be.getDescription(); if (descList != null && descList.size() > 0) { Description d = (Description) descList.get(0); if (d != null) nodeDescription = d.getValue(); } } %>
jUDDI has been successfully installed!

Node Information

Root Partition: <%= rootPartition %>
Node Id: <%= nodeId %>
Name: <%= nodeName %>
Description: <%= nodeDescription %>