# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # This file contains the localized resource definitions for # the "default" template. Any other template i18n file should # be renamed in a similar way, e.g. "mytemplate.properties" under i18n/templates # # Common things common.nopage=This page does not exist. Why don’t you go and {0}? common.createit=create it common.more=More... # AttachmentTab.jsp attach.tab=Attach attach.list=List of attachments attach.add=Add new attachment attach.add.info=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, please use the following box to find the file, then click on &\#8220;Upload&\#8221;. attach.add.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachments. attach.bytes=bytes attach.add.selectfile=Select file: attach.add.changenote=Change Note: attach.add.submit=Upload attach.preview=Image preview attach.deleteconfirm=Please confirm that you want to delete this attachment permanently! attach.delete=Delete attach.moreinfo.title=Attachment info and version history # CommentContent.jsp comment.title.comment={0}: Comment: {1} comment.tab.discussionpage=Discussion page comment.tab.addcomment=Add comment comment.edithelpmissing=Ho hum, it seems that the {0} page is missing. Someone must&\#8217;ve done something to the installation...

You can copy the text from the EditPageHelp page on jspwiki.org. # ConflictContent.jsp conflict.oops.title=Oops! conflict.oops=

Oops\! Someone modified the page while you were editing it\!

Since I am stupid and can&\#8217;t figure out what the difference between those pages is, you will need to do that for me. I&\#8217;ve printed here the text (in Wiki) of the new page, and the modifications you made. You&\#8217;ll now need to copy the text onto a scratch pad (Notepad or emacs will do just fine), and then edit the page again.

Note that when you go back into the editing mode, someone might have changed the page again. So be quick.


Go edit {0}

conflict.modified=Modified by someone else conflict.yourtext=Here’s your text # DiffContent.jsp #diff.tab=Version changes diff.difference=Difference between version {0} and {1} diff.gotofirst.title=Go to first change in this document diff.gotofirst=View first change diff.goback=Back to {0}, or {1} diff.versionhistory={0} page info diff.nodiff=No difference detected. # EditContent.jsp edit.locked=User &\#8220;{0}&\#8221; has started to edit this page, but has not yet saved. I won&\#8217;t stop you from editing this page anyway, BUT be aware that the other person might be quite annoyed. It would be courteous to wait for the lock to expire or until the person stops editing the page. The lock expires in {1} minutes. edit.restoring=You are about to restore version {0}. Click on &\#8220;Save&\#8221; to restore. You may also edit the page before restoring it. edit.chooseeditor=Editor edit.tab.attachments=Attachments edit.tab.help=Help edit.tab.edit=Edit edit.tab.findreplacehelp=Find and Replace help # EditTemplate.jsp # 0 : Application name # 1 : Page name edit.title.edit={0}: Edit: {1} edit.sections=Sections # EditGroup.jsp editgroup.tab=Edit Group editgroup.heading.edit=Edit Group {0} editgroup.instructions=This page allows you to add or edit members for the wiki group called \ {0}. Generally, only members of the group can edit the \ membership list. By default, the person who creates the group is a member. editgroup.saveerror=Could not save group:  editgroup.memberlist=The membership for this group. Enter each user&\#8217;s name or wiki name, separated by carriage returns. editgroup.savehelp=When you click &\#8220;Save group,&\#8221; this group will be saved as a group called {0}. You can specify this name in page access control lists (ACLs). editgroup.submit.save=Save group # Favorites.jsp fav.myfavorites=My Favorites fav.nomenu=Please make a {0} fav.greet.anonymous=G’day (anonymous guest) fav.greet.asserted=G’day, {0} (not logged in) fav.greet.authenticated=G’day, {0} (authenticated) fav.aggregatewiki.title=Aggregate the RSS feed of the entire wiki # FindContent.jsp find.tab=Search Wiki find.tab.help=Help find.input=Enter your query here: find.heading.results=Search results for “{0}” find.resultsstart=Found {0} hits, here are the results from {1} to {2}. find.results.page=Page find.results.score=Score find.noresults=No results were found. It could be that either this wiki does not have the \ document you were looking for, or that you do not have permission to view the documents you were looking for. find.getprevious=Get previous {0} results find.getnext=Get next {0} results find.externalsearch=Try this same search on : find.submit.find=Find! find.submit.go=Go! find.details=Show details find.scope.all=Search Everywhere find.scope.authors=Authors find.scope.pagename=Page Names find.scope.content=Page Content find.scope.attach=Attachments # GroupContent.jsp group.tab=View Group #replaced by grp.deletegroup.confirm #group.areyousure=Are you sure you want to permanently delete group "{0}"? \ # Users might not be able to access pages whose ACLS contain this group. \\n\\n \ # If you click OK, the group will be removed immediately. group.doesnotexist=This group does not exist. group.createsuggestion=Why don’t you go and {0} group.createit=create it? group.errorprefix=Error  group.groupintro=This is the wiki group called {0}. Only members of this group can edit it. group.name=Group Name group.members=Group Members group.membership=The group’s membership. group.modifier={0} saved this group on {1} group.creator={0} created it on {1}. # GroupTab.jsp grp.createdon=Created on {0} by {1} grp.lastmodified=
Last modified on {0} by {1} grp.groupnames.title=Click to edit this group grp.newgroupname=(new group name) grp.savegroup=Save Group grp.savenewgroup=Save New Group grp.cancel=Cancel grp.deletegroup=Delete Group grp.deletegroup.confirm=Please confirm that you want to delete this group permanently! grp.formhelp=The membership for this group. Only members of this group can edit it.
Enter each user&\#8217;s wiki name or full name, separated by carriage returns. grp.allgroups=All Groups # Header.jsp header.yourtrail=Your trail:  header.homepage.title=Home page of this wiki # InfoContent.jsp info.pagename=Page name info.parent=Parent page info.lastmodified=This page (revision-{0}) was last changed on {1} by {2} info.createdon=This page was created on {0} by {1} info.current=Current page version info.noversions=This page has only one version info.feed=Page feed info.pagediff.title=Show changes of last page update info.rename.submit=Rename page info.updatereferrers=Update referrers? info.rename.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages. info.delete.submit=Delete entire page #info.delete.attachmentwarning=First delete all attachments of this page info.confirmdelete=Please confirm that you want to delete this content permanently! info.delete.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages. info.moreinfo=More Info... info.backtomainpage=Back to {0} info.backtoparentpage=Back to {0} (parent page) info.history=Page revision history info.showrevisions=Show all revisions from {0} down to {1} info.showfrom=Show {0} revisions from {1} to {2} info.pagination=Pagination: info.pagination.first=First info.pagination.last=Last info.pagination.previous=Previous info.pagination.next=Next info.pagination.all=all info.pagination.total= (Total items: {0} ) info.pagination.show.title=Show items from {0} to {1} info.pagination.showall.title=Show all items info.version=Version info.date=Date Modified info.size=Size info.author=Author info.changes=Changes ... info.changenote=Change note info.actions=Actions info.difftoprev=to previous info.difftolast=to last info.tab=Info info.attachment.tab=Attachment Info info.tab.links=Links info.tab.outgoing=Outgoing links info.tab.incoming=Incoming links info.tab.attachments=Attachments info.uploadnew=Upload new version #info.uploadnew.submit=Upload new attachment info.uploadnew.filename=Select file: info.uploadnew.changenote=Change note: info.uploadnew.help=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, please use the following box to find the file, then click on &\#8220;Upload&\#8221;. info.uploadnew.nopermission=Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachment versions. info.deleteattachment=Delete attachment info.deleteattachment.submit=Delete attachment info.attachment.history=Attachment revision history info.attachment.type=Kind info.attachment.name=Attachment Name info.kilobytes=kB # LoginContent.jsp login.tab=Login login.title=Login login.heading.login=Sign in to {0} login.help=Please sign in with your login name and password. login.errorprefix=Error:  login.login=Login login.password=Password login.remember=Remember me? login.submit.login=Login login.invite=Wanna login? login.nopassword=Don’t have an account ? login.registernow=Join {0} now! login.registernow.title=Register a new user! login.lostpw=Lost your password? login.lostpw.tab=Lost password login.lostpw.title=Lost your password? login.lostpw.getnew=Get a new one! login.lostpw.heading=Reset Password login.lostpw.help=Lost or forgot your password? Enter the email address you used to register with here. login.lostpw.name=Account email login.lostpw.submit=Reset password ! login.lostpw.reset.clickhere=Click here login.lostpw.reset.login={0} to log in once you retrieve your new password. login.register.tab=Register New User login.tab.help=Help login.loginhelpmissing=Ho hum, it seems that the {0} page is missing. Someone must&\#8217;ve done something to the installation...

You can copy the text from the LoginHelp page on jspwiki.org. # NewGroupContent.jsp newgroup.heading.create=Create New Group newgroup.errorprefix=Error:  newgroup.instructions.start=This page allows you to create a new wiki group. newgroup.name=Name newgroup.name.description=The name of the new group. newgroup.members.description=The membership for this group. Enter each user&\#8217;s name or wiki name, separated by carriage returns. newgroup.instructions.end=When you click &\#8220;Save group,&\#8221; this group will be saved as a group. You can specify the group&\#8217;s name in page access control lists (ACLs). newgroup.creategroup=Create group newgroup.defaultgroupname=MyGroup # PageActions.jsp actions.gototop=Go to top actions.gotobottom=Go to bottom actions.view=View actions.view.title=View current page [ v ] actions.viewparent.title=View parent page [ v ] actions.home=Home actions.home.title=Go to home page {0} actions.edit=Edit actions.edit.title=Edit current page [ e ] actions.editparent=Edit parent page actions.editparent.title=Edit parent page [ e ] actions.index=Alphabetic Index actions.index.title=Alphabetically sorted list of all pages actions.recentchanges=Recent Changes actions.recentchanges.title=Pages sorted by modification date actions.more=More... actions.separator= - - - - - - actions.comment=Add Comment actions.comment.title=Add Comment actions.addcommenttoparent=Add Comment to parent page actions.upload=Attach File actions.info=Info actions.info.title=Additonal Page Info and Version history [ i ] actions.prefs=My Prefs actions.prefs.title=Manage your preferences [ p ] actions.editgroup=Edit group actions.deletegroup=Delete group actions.viewgroup=View group actions.creategroup=Create group actions.creategroup.title=Create new authorisation group actions.login=Log in actions.login.title=Log in or Register as new user actions.logout=Log out actions.logout.title=Log out actions.publishedon=This particular version was published on {0} by {1}. actions.notcreated=Page not created yet. actions.workflow=Workflow actions.workflow.title=Workflow actions.systeminfo=JSPWiki System Info actions.systeminfo.title=Show JSPWiki System settings & info actions.rawpage=View Page Source actions.rawpage.title=View Page Source # PageContent.jsp view.oldversion=This is version {0}. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. view.backtocurrent=[Back to current version] view.restore=[Restore this version] view.heading.attachments=Attachments # PageTab.jsp view.tab=View # PreferencesContent.jsp # 0: applicationname prefs.heading=User Preferences prefs.clear.heading=Clear User Preferences prefs.tab.prefs=Preferences prefs.tab.profile=Profile prefs.cookies=Your choices will be saved in your browser as cookies. prefs.user.skin=Skin prefs.user.orientation=Favorites style prefs.user.orientation.left=Left prefs.user.orientation.right=Right #prefs.user.editorareaheight=Editor area height //not user anymore prefs.user.sectionediting=Section Editing prefs.user.sectionediting.text=Enable section editing via [edit] links prefs.user.timeformat=Time Format prefs.user.timezone=Time Zone prefs.user.timezone.server=[SERVER] prefs.user.language=Language prefs.user.language.default=[DEFAULT] prefs.instructions=Set your user preferences here. Your choices will be saved in your browser as cookies. prefs.assertedname=Name prefs.assertedname.description=Your name. If you haven&\#8217;t created a user profile yet, you can tell {0} who you are by &\#8216;asserting&\#8217; an identity. You wouldn&\#8217;t lie to us would you?
Note that setting your user name this way isn&\#8217;t a real method of authentication, because it just sets a cookie in your browser without requiring a password. Depending on the security policy, the wiki may grant you fewer privileges as an &\#8220;asserted&\#8221; user. {0} if you would prefer a traditional username and password, which is more secure. prefs.assertedname.create=Create a new user profile prefs.submit.setname=Set user name prefs.save.prefs.submit=Save User Preferences prefs.clear.submit=Clear User Preferences prefs.clear.description=In some cases, you may need to remove your &\#8216;asserted&\#8217; user name and your user preferences from this computer. Click the &\#8216;Clear User Preferences&\#8217; button to do that.
Note that it will remove all user preferences you&\#8217;ve set up, permanently. You will need to enter them again. prefs.newprofile=Create a new user profile prefs.oldprofile=Update your wiki profile. prefs.errorprefix.prefs=Could not save preferences:  prefs.errorprefix.profile=Could not save profile:  prefs.errorprefix.rename=Could not rename the page:  prefs.loginname=Login name * prefs.loginname.description=This is your login id. prefs.loginname.cannotset.new=You cannot set your login name because you are not \ logged in yet. You should log in first, using the credentials supplied by \ your administrator. prefs.loginname.cannotset.exists=You cannot set your login name because \ your credentials are managed by the web container, not the wiki. prefs.password=Password * prefs.password.description=Sets your account password. It may not be blank. prefs.password2=Password verify * prefs.password2.description=Re-type your password for verification. prefs.fullname=Name * prefs.fullname.description=Use your name in Access Control Lists or wiki Groups. prefs.email=E-mail address prefs.email.description= (optional). If you lose your password, \ you can ask to have a new, random password sent to this address. prefs.cookie.info=This wiki automatically remembers you using cookies, without requiring additional authentication. To use this feature, your browser must accept cookies from this website. When you click &\#8220;save profile,&\#8221; the cookie will be saved by your browser. prefs.acl.info=Access control lists or wiki groups containing your identity \ should specify your name or wiki name. You are also member \ of the above Roles and Groups. prefs.lastmodified=You created your profile on {0}, and last saved it on {1} prefs.save.description=Click “save profile” to save your wiki profile. prefs.save.submit=Save profile prefs.create.submit=Create New User Profile prefs.roles=Roles prefs.groups=Groups prefs.creationdate=Creation date prefs.profile.lastmodified=Last modified # Workflow generic messages workflow.tab=Workflow workflow.heading=Your Workflow Items workflow.decisions.heading=Inbox workflow.workflows.heading=Outbox workflow.instructions=This page contains information \ on workflows that you initiated, or have been asked to act on. workflow.noinstructions=You do not have any workflow items. workflow.actor.instructions=You need to take action on the following workflows: workflow.owner.instructions=You started the following workflows: workflow.id=ID workflow.requester=Requester workflow.item=Item workflow.startTime=Received workflow.actions=Actions workflow.actor=Current actor workflow.submit=Do it outcome.step.abort=Abort outcome.step.complete=Completed outcome.step.continue=Continue outcome.decision.acknowledge=OK outcome.decision.approve=Approve outcome.decision.deny=Deny outcome.decision.hold=Hold outcome.decision.reassign=Reassign workflow.details.title=Show or hide details workflow.details=details... # Specific workflow/decision messages workflow.saveWikiPage=Save wiki page {2} decision.saveWikiPage=Approve page {2} notification.saveWikiPage.reject=Your request to save page {2} was rejected. fact.pageName=Page name fact.diffText=Difference between proposed and current version fact.proposedText=Proposed fact.currentText=Current fact.isAuthenticated=Is Authenticated? select.one=(select one) workflow.creatUserProfile=New user profile {2} decision.createUserProfile=New user profile {2} notification.createUserProfile.accept.content=Congratulations\! Your new profile on {0} has been created. Your profile details are as follows\: \n\nLogin name\: {1} \nYour name \: {2} \nE-mail \: {3} \n\nIf you forget your password, you can reset it at {4} notification.createUserProfile.accept.subject=Welcome to {0} notification.createUserProfile.reject=Your request to create a user profile was rejected. fact.submitter=Submitter # PreviewContent.jsp preview.tab=Preview preview.info=This is a preview\! Hit &\#8220;Keep Editing&\#8221; to go back to the editor, or hit &\#8220;Save&\#8221; if you&\#8217;re happy with what you see. # SearchBox.jsp sbox.search.submit=Quick Navigation sbox.view=view sbox.view.title=View the selected page sbox.edit=edit sbox.edit.title=Edit the selected page sbox.clone=clone sbox.clone.title=Clone the selected page sbox.find=find sbox.find.title=Advanced Search sbox.search.result=Quick search sbox.search.target=(type ahead) sbox.clearrecent=(Clear) sbox.recentsearches=Recent Searches # UploadTemplate.jsp # move all to attach. upload.title={0}: Add Attachment upload.heading.upload=Upload new attachment to {0} upload.attachments=Current attachments upload.info=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, please use the following box to find the file, then click on &\#8220;Upload&\#8221;. upload.submit=Upload upload.done=If you are done uploading, you may wish to return to {0} # ViewTemplate.jsp # 0 : Application Name # 1 : Page name view.title.view={0}: {1} # The built-in editors also have their localized strings in this file. editor.plain.name=Your name editor.plain.remember=Remember me? editor.plain.email=Homepage or email editor.plain.save.submit=Save editor.plain.save.title=Save [ s ] editor.plain.preview.submit=Preview editor.plain.preview.title=Preview [ v ] editor.plain.cancel.submit=Cancel editor.plain.cancel.title=Cancel editing. Your changes will be lost. [ q ] editor.plain.changenote=Change Note editor.commentsignature=Comment signature editor.plain.toolbar=Toolbar editor.plain.find=Find editor.plain.replace=Replace editor.plain.matchcase=Match Case editor.plain.regexp=RegExp editor.plain.global=Replace all editor.plain.find.submit=Replace editor.plain.redo.submit=Redo editor.plain.undo.submit=Undo editor.plain.redo.title=Redo last Undo editor.plain.undo.title=Undo last replace [ z ] #new since v2.5.100 editor.plain.posteditor=Enter Keyword+Tab: editor.plain.posteditor.title=shift+enter for next next field editor.plain.smartpairs= Smart Typing Pairs editor.plain.smartpairs.title= Auto pairing of () [] {} <> "" '' editor.plain.tabcompletion=Tab Completion (keyword+Tab) editor.plain.tabcompletion.title=Auto expansion of keyword to Wiki Markup #editor.plain.editassist=Edit Assist #editor.plain.editassist.title=Toggle Edit Assist buttons editor.plain.sneakpreview=Sneak Preview editor.plain.sneakpreview.title=Sneak Preview. \ Click outside the textarea to refresh the sneak preview area. editor.plain.tbLink.title=link - Insert wiki link editor.plain.tbH1.title=h1 - Insert heading1 editor.plain.tbH2.title=h2 - Insert heading2 editor.plain.tbH3.title=h3 - Insert heading3 editor.plain.tbHR.title=hr - Insert horizontal ruler editor.plain.tbBR.title=br - Insert line break editor.plain.tbPRE.title=pre - Insert preformatted block editor.plain.tbDL.title=dl - Insert definition list editor.plain.tbB.title=bold editor.plain.tbI.title=italic editor.plain.tbMONO.title=mono - monospace editor.plain.tbSUP.title=sup - superscript editor.plain.tbSUB.title=sub - subscript editor.plain.tbSTRIKE.title=strike - strikethrough editor.plain.tbTOC.title=toc - Insert table of contents editor.plain.tbTAB.title=tab - Insert tabbed section editor.plain.tbTABLE.title=table - Insert table editor.plain.tbIMG.title=img - Insert image editor.plain.tbCODE.title=code - Insert code block editor.plain.tbQUOTE.title=quote - Insert quoted block editor.plain.tbSIGN.title=sign - Insert your signature editor.preview.edit.submit=Keep editing editor.preview.edit.title=Continue to edit the current page [ e ] editor.preview.save.submit=Save editor.preview.save.title=Save the current page [ s ] editor.preview.cancel.submit=Cancel editor.preview.cancel.title=Cancel editing. Your changes will be lost. [ q ] editor.fck.noscript=You need to enable Javascript in your browser to use the FCK editor editor.wikiwizard.noscript=You need to enable Javascript in your browser to use the WikiWizard editor editor.wikiwizard.noapplet=Applets are currently not supported by your browser. Please download Java, so you can use the WikiWizard editor. #blog texts in various JSPs blog.commenttitle=comments blog.backtomain=Back to main blog page blog.addcomments=Add new comments # # The Javascript stuff # javascript.sbox.clone.suffix=-New javascript.edit.allsections=( All ) javascript.edit.startOfPage=( Start of page ) javascript.edit.findandreplace.nomatch=No match found! javascript.edit.toolbar.makeSelection=Please make first a selection. javascript.edit.resize=Drag to resize the text area javascript.edit.areyousure=Without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. \ Are you sure you want to exit this page? javascript.favs.show=Click to show Favorites javascript.favs.hide=Click to hide Favorites javascript.quick.edit=[Edit] javascript.quick.edit.title=Edit section {0}... javascript.collapse=Click to collapse javascript.expand=Click to expand javascript.sort.click=Click to sort javascript.sort.ascending=Ascending order. Click to reverse sort order javascript.sort.descending=Descending order. Click to reverse sort order javascript.filter.all=( All ) javascript.group.validName=Please provide a valid name for the new Group javascript.category.title=Click to show category [{0}] ... javascript.slimbox.info=Image {0} of {1} javascript.slimbox.error=


There was a problem with your request.
Please try again javascript.slimbox.directLink=Direct Link to the target javascript.slimbox.remoteRequest=Remote Request {0} of {1} javascript.slimbox.previous=«Previous javascript.slimbox.next=Next» javascript.slimbox.close=Close × javascript.slimbox.close.title=Close [Esc] javascript.sectionediting.label=Section Overview javascript.tip.default.title=More... javascript.prefs.areyousure=Without clicking the Save User Preferences button, \ your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?