This file is tests/etc/selenium/tests/readme.txt Here's a quick start to selenium web unit tests * Type 'ant webtests' from the command line * You may find it useful to restart Tomcat before running webtests ARJ notes 10-Dec-2007: Note: To get Selenium to work, Dirk patched the following two Selenium-core files, which were re-injected into lib/selenium-server.jar: core/scripts/htmlutils.js OLD: function triggerEvent(element, eventType, canBubble, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown, shiftKeyDown, metaKeyDown) { canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; if (element.fireEvent) { function triggerKeyEvent(element, eventType, keySequence, canBubble, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown, shiftKeyDown, metaKeyDown) { var keycode = getKeyCodeFromKeySequence(keySequence); canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; if (element.fireEvent) { NEW: function triggerEvent(element, eventType, canBubble, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown, shiftKeyDown, metaKeyDown) { canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; //if (element.fireEvent) { /* support for mootools patch Dirk Frederickx Dec 07*/ /* see */ if (element.ownerDocument.createEventObject) { function triggerKeyEvent(element, eventType, keySequence, canBubble, controlKeyDown, altKeyDown, shiftKeyDown, metaKeyDown) { var keycode = getKeyCodeFromKeySequence(keySequence); canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; //if (element.fireEvent) { /* support for mootools patch Dirk Frederickx Dec 07*/ /* see */ if (element.ownerDocument.createEventObject) { (the last line, "if (element.fireEvent" is what's replaced) core/scripts/selenium-browserbot.js OLD: BrowserBot.prototype.triggerMouseEvent = function(element, eventType, canBubble, clientX, clientY) { clientX = clientX ? clientX : 0; clientY = clientY ? clientY : 0; LOG.debug("triggerMouseEvent assumes setting screenX and screenY to 0 is ok"); var screenX = 0; var screenY = 0; canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; if (element.fireEvent) { NEW: BrowserBot.prototype.triggerMouseEvent = function(element, eventType, canBubble, clientX, clientY) { clientX = clientX ? clientX : 0; clientY = clientY ? clientY : 0; LOG.debug("triggerMouseEvent assumes setting screenX and screenY to 0 is ok"); var screenX = 0; var screenY = 0; canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; //if (element.fireEvent) { /* support for mootools patch Dirk Frederickx Dec 07*/ /* see */ if (element.ownerDocument.createEventObject) { (the last line, "if (element.fireEvent" is what's replaced) Commands to re-inject these files: cd tests/etc/selenium/selenium-core-0.8.3-patches jar -uvf ../../../../lib/selenium-server-0.9.2.jar core/scripts/selenium-browserbot.js core/scripts/htmlutils.js