<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jspwiki.tld" prefix="wiki" %> <% /* see commonheader.jsp */ String prefEditAreaHeight = (String) session.getAttribute("prefEditAreaHeight"); %> <%-- need a cancel button here --%>

User '<%=lock.getLocker()%>' has started to edit this page, but has not yet saved. I won't stop you from editing this page anyway, BUT be aware that the other person might be quite annoyed. It would be courteous to wait for the lock to expire or until the person stops editing the page. The lock expires in <%=lock.getTimeLeft()%> minutes.

You are about to restore version . Click on "Save" to restore. You may also edit the page before restoring it.
Ho hum, it seems that the EditPageHelp? page is missing. Someone must've done something to the installation...

You can copy the text from the EditPageHelp page on jspwiki.org.