# # This file contains the localized resource definitions for # the "default" template. Any other template i18n file should # be renamed in a similar way, e.g. "mytemplate.properties" under i18n/templates # # Common things common.nopage=This page does not exist. Why don’t you go and {0}? common.createit=create it common.more=More... # AttachmentTab.jsp attach.tab=Attach attach.list=List of attachments attach.add=Add new attachment attach.add.info=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, \ please use the following box to find the file, then click on “Upload”. attach.add.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachments. attach.bytes=bytes attach.add.selectfile=Select file: attach.add.changenote=Change Note: attach.add.submit=Upload attach.preview=Image preview attach.deleteconfirm=Please confirm that you want to delete this attachment permanently! attach.delete=Delete attach.moreinfo.title=Attachment info and version history # CommentContent.jsp comment.title.comment={0}: Comment: {1} comment.tab.discussionpage=Discussion page comment.tab.addcomment=Add comment comment.edithelpmissing=Ho hum, it seems that the {0} page is missing. \ Someone must’ve done something to the installation...\

\ You can copy the text from the \ EditPageHelp page \ on jspwiki.org. # ConflictContent.jsp conflict.oops.title=Oops! conflict.oops=

Oops! Someone modified the page while you were editing it!


Since I am stupid and can’t figure out what the difference \ between those pages is, you will need to do that for me. I’ve \ printed here the text (in Wiki) of the new page, and the \ modifications you made. You’ll now need to copy the text onto a \ scratch pad (Notepad or emacs will do just fine), and then edit \ the page again.


Note that when you go back into the editing mode, someone might have \ changed the page again. So be quick.


Go edit {0}

conflict.modified=Modified by someone else conflict.yourtext=Here’s your text # DiffContent.jsp #diff.tab=Version changes diff.difference=Difference between version {0} and {1} diff.gotofirst.title=Go to first change in this document diff.gotofirst=View first change diff.goback=Back to {0}, or {1} diff.versionhistory={0} page info diff.nodiff=No difference detected. # EditContent.jsp edit.locked=User “{0}” has started to edit this page, but has not yet \ saved. I won’t stop you from editing this page anyway, BUT be aware that \ the other person might be quite annoyed. It would be courteous to wait for the lock \ to expire or until the person stops editing the page. The lock expires in \ {1} minutes. edit.restoring=You are about to restore version {0}. \ Click on “Save” to restore. You may also edit the page before restoring it. edit.chooseeditor=Editor edit.tab.attachments=Attachments edit.tab.help=Help edit.tab.edit=Edit edit.tab.findreplacehelp=Find and Replace help # EditTemplate.jsp # 0 : Application name # 1 : Page name edit.title.edit={0}: Edit: {1} edit.sections=Sections # EditGroup.jsp editgroup.tab=Edit Group editgroup.heading.edit=Edit Group {0} editgroup.instructions=This page allows you to add or edit members for the wiki group called \ {0}. Generally, only members of the group can edit the \ membership list. By default, the person who creates the group is a member. editgroup.saveerror=Could not save group:  editgroup.memberlist=The membership for this group. Enter each user’s name or \ wiki name, separated by carriage returns. editgroup.savehelp=When you click “Save group,” this group will be saved as a group \ called {0}. You can specify this \ name in page access control lists (ACLs). editgroup.submit.save=Save group # Favorites.jsp fav.myfavorites=My Favorites fav.nomenu=Please make a {0} fav.greet.anonymous=G’day (anonymous guest) fav.greet.asserted=G’day, {0} (not logged in) fav.greet.authenticated=G’day, {0} (authenticated) fav.aggregatewiki.title=Aggregate the RSS feed of the entire wiki # FindContent.jsp find.tab=Search Wiki find.tab.help=Help find.input=Enter your query here: find.heading.results=Search results for “{0}” find.resultsstart=Found {0} hits, here are the results from {1} to {2}. find.results.page=Page find.results.score=Score find.noresults=No results were found. It could be that either this wiki does not have the \ document you were looking for, or that you do not have permission to view the documents you were looking for. find.getprevious=Get previous {0} results find.getnext=Get next {0} results find.externalsearch=Try this same search on : find.submit.find=Find! find.submit.go=Go! find.details=Show details find.scope.all=Search Everywhere find.scope.authors=Authors find.scope.pagename=Page Names find.scope.content=Page Content find.scope.attach=Attachments # GroupContent.jsp group.tab=View Group #replaced by grp.deletegroup.confirm #group.areyousure=Are you sure you want to permanently delete group "{0}"? \ # Users might not be able to access pages whose ACLS contain this group. \\n\\n \ # If you click OK, the group will be removed immediately. group.doesnotexist=This group does not exist. group.createsuggestion=Why don’t you go and {0} group.createit=create it? group.errorprefix=Error  group.groupintro=This is the wiki group called {0}. Only members of this group can edit it. group.name=Group Name group.members=Group Members group.membership=The group’s membership. group.modifier={0} saved this group on {1} group.creator={0} created it on {1}. # GroupTab.jsp grp.createdon=Created on {0} by {1} grp.lastmodified=
Last modified on {0} by {1} grp.groupnames.title=Click to edit this group grp.newgroupname=(new group name) grp.savegroup=Save Group grp.savenewgroup=Save New Group grp.cancel=Cancel grp.deletegroup=Delete Group grp.deletegroup.confirm=Please confirm that you want to delete this group permanently! grp.formhelp=The membership for this group. Only members of this group can edit it. \
Enter each user’s wiki name or full name, separated by carriage returns. grp.allgroups=All Groups # Header.jsp header.yourtrail=Your trail:  header.homepage.title=Home page of this wiki # InfoContent.jsp info.pagename=Page name info.parent=Parent page info.lastmodified=This page (revision-{0}) was last changed on {1} by {2} info.createdon=This page was created on {0} by {1} info.current=Current page version info.noversions=No versions. info.feed=Page feed info.pagediff.title=Show changes of last page update info.rename.submit=Rename page info.updatereferrers=Update referrers? info.rename.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages. info.delete.submit=Delete entire page #info.delete.attachmentwarning=First delete all attachments of this page info.confirmdelete=Please confirm that you want to delete this content permanently! info.delete.permission=Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages. info.moreinfo=More Info... info.backtomainpage=Back to {0} info.backtoparentpage=Back to {0} (parent page) info.history=Page revision history info.noversions=This page has only one version info.showrevisions=Show all revisions from {0} down to {1} info.showfrom=Show {0} revisions from {1} to {2} info.pagination=Pagination: info.pagination.first=First info.pagination.last=Last info.pagination.previous=Previous info.pagination.next=Next info.pagination.all=all info.pagination.total= (Total items: {0} ) info.pagination.show.title=Show items from {0} to {1} info.pagination.showall.title=Show all items info.version=Version info.date=Date Modified info.size=Size info.author=Author info.changes=Changes ... info.changenote=Change note info.actions=Actions info.difftoprev=to previous info.difftolast=to last info.tab=Info info.attachment.tab=Attachment Info info.tab.links=Links info.tab.outgoing=Outgoing links info.tab.incoming=Incoming links info.tab.attachments=Attachments info.uploadnew=Upload new version #info.uploadnew.submit=Upload new attachment info.uploadnew.filename=Select file: info.uploadnew.changenote=Change note: info.uploadnew.help=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, \ please use the following box to find the file, then click on “Upload”. info.uploadnew.nopermission=Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachment versions. info.deleteattachment=Delete attachment info.deleteattachment.submit=Delete attachment info.attachment.history=Attachment revision history info.attachment.type=Kind info.attachment.name=Attachment Name info.kilobytes=kB # LoginContent.jsp login.tab=Login login.title=Login login.heading.login=Sign in to {0} login.help=Please sign in with your login name and password. login.errorprefix=Error:  login.login=Login login.password=Password login.remember=Remember me? login.submit.login=Login login.invite=Wanna login? login.nopassword=Don’t have an account ? login.registernow=Join {0} now! login.registernow.title=Register a new user! login.lostpw=Lost your password? login.lostpw.tab=Lost password login.lostpw.title=Lost your password? login.lostpw.getnew=Get a new one! login.lostpw.heading=Reset Password login.lostpw.help=Lost or forgot your password? Enter the email address you used to register with here. login.lostpw.name=Account email login.lostpw.submit=Reset password ! login.lostpw.reset.clickhere=Click here login.lostpw.reset.login={0} to log in once you retrieve your new password. login.register.tab=Register New User login.tab.help=Help login.loginhelpmissing=Ho hum, it seems that the {0} page is missing. \ Someone must’ve done something to the installation...\

\ You can copy the text from the \ LoginHelp page \ on jspwiki.org. # NewGroupContent.jsp newgroup.heading.create=Create New Group newgroup.errorprefix=Error:  newgroup.instructions.start=This page allows you to create a new wiki group. newgroup.name=Name newgroup.name.description=The name of the new group. newgroup.members.description=The membership for this group. \ Enter each user’s name or wiki name, separated by carriage returns. newgroup.instructions.end=When you click “Save group,” \ this group will be saved as a group. You can specify the group’s name \ in page access control lists (ACLs). newgroup.creategroup=Create group newgroup.defaultgroupname=MyGroup # PageActions.jsp actions.gototop=Go to top actions.gotobottom=Go to bottom actions.view=View actions.view.title=View current page [ v ] actions.viewparent.title=View parent page [ v ] actions.home=Home actions.home.title=Go to home page {0} actions.edit=Edit actions.edit.title=Edit current page [ e ] actions.editparent=Edit parent page actions.editparent.title=Edit parent page [ e ] actions.index=Alphabetic Index actions.index.title=Alphabetically sorted list of all pages actions.recentchanges=Recent Changes actions.recentchanges.title=Pages sorted by modification date actions.more=More... actions.separator= - - - - - - actions.comment=Add Comment actions.comment.title=Add Comment actions.addcommenttoparent=Add Comment to parent page actions.upload=Attach File actions.info=Info actions.info.title=Additonal Page Info and Version history [ i ] actions.prefs=My Prefs actions.prefs.title=Manage your preferences [ p ] actions.editgroup=Edit group actions.deletegroup=Delete group actions.viewgroup=View group actions.creategroup=Create group actions.creategroup.title=Create new authorisation group actions.login=Log in actions.login.title=Log in or Register as new user actions.logout=Log out actions.logout.title=Log out actions.publishedon=This particular version was published on {0} by {1}. actions.notcreated=Page not created yet. actions.workflow=Workflow actions.workflow.title=Workflow actions.systeminfo=JSPWiki System Info actions.systeminfo.title=Show JSPWiki System settings & info actions.rawpage=View Page Source actions.rawpage.title=View Page Source # PageContent.jsp view.oldversion=This is version {0}. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. view.backtocurrent=[Back to current version] view.restore=[Restore this version] view.heading.attachments=Attachments # PageTab.jsp view.tab=View # PreferencesContent.jsp # 0: applicationname prefs.heading=User Preferences prefs.clear.heading=Clear User Preferences prefs.tab.prefs=Preferences prefs.tab.profile=Profile prefs.cookies=Your choices will be saved in your browser as cookies. prefs.user.skin=Skin prefs.user.orientation=Favorites style prefs.user.orientation.left=Left prefs.user.orientation.right=Right #prefs.user.editorareaheight=Editor area height //not user anymore prefs.user.sectionediting=Section Editing prefs.user.sectionediting.text=Enable section editing via [edit] links prefs.user.timeformat=Time Format prefs.user.timezone=Time Zone prefs.user.timezone.server=[SERVER] prefs.user.language=Language prefs.user.language.default=[DEFAULT] prefs.instructions=Set your user preferences here. Your choices will be saved in your browser as cookies. prefs.assertedname=Name prefs.assertedname.description=Your name. \ If you haven’t created a user profile yet, you can tell {0} \ who you are by ‘asserting’ an identity. You wouldn’t lie to us would you? \
\ Note that setting your user name this way isn’t a \ real method of authentication, because it just sets a cookie in your browser \ without requiring a password. Depending on the security policy, the wiki may grant \ you fewer privileges as an “asserted” user. {0} if \ you would prefer a traditional username and password, which is more \ secure. prefs.assertedname.create=Create a new user profile prefs.submit.setname=Set user name prefs.save.prefs.submit=Save User Preferences prefs.clear.submit=Clear User Preferences prefs.clear.description=\ In some cases, you may need to remove your ‘asserted’ user name and \ your user preferences from this computer. \ Click the ‘Clear User Preferences’ button to do that. \
\ Note that it will remove all user preferences you’ve set up, permanently. \ You will need to enter them again. prefs.newprofile=Create a new user profile prefs.oldprofile=Update your wiki profile. prefs.errorprefix.prefs=Could not save preferences:  prefs.errorprefix.profile=Could not save profile:  prefs.errorprefix.rename=Could not rename the page:  prefs.loginname=Login name * prefs.loginname.description=This is your login id. prefs.loginname.cannotset.new=You cannot set your login name because you are not \ logged in yet. You should log in first, using the credentials supplied by \ your administrator. prefs.loginname.cannotset.exists=You cannot set your login name because \ your credentials are managed by the web container, not the wiki. prefs.password=Password * prefs.password.description=Sets your account password. It may not be blank. prefs.password2=Password verify * prefs.password2.description=Re-type your password for verification. prefs.fullname=Name * prefs.fullname.description=Use your name in Access Control Lists or wiki Groups. prefs.email=E-mail address prefs.email.description= (optional). If you lose your password, \ you can ask to have a new, random password sent to this address. prefs.cookie.info=This wiki automatically remembers you using cookies, \ without requiring additional authentication. To use this \ feature, your browser must accept cookies from this \ website. When you click “save profile,” the cookie \ will be saved by your browser. prefs.acl.info=Access control lists or wiki groups containing your identity \ should specify your name or wiki name. You are also member \ of the above Roles and Groups. prefs.lastmodified=You created your profile on {0}, and last saved it on {1} prefs.save.description=Click “save profile” to save your wiki profile. prefs.save.submit=Save profile prefs.create.submit=Create New User Profile prefs.roles=Roles prefs.groups=Groups prefs.creationdate=Creation date prefs.profile.lastmodified=Last modified # Workflow generic messages workflow.tab=Workflow workflow.heading=Your Workflow Items workflow.decisions.heading=Inbox workflow.workflows.heading=Outbox workflow.instructions=This page contains information \ on workflows that you initiated, or have been asked to act on. workflow.noinstructions=You do not have any workflow items. workflow.actor.instructions=You need to take action on the following workflows: workflow.owner.instructions=You started the following workflows: workflow.id=ID workflow.requester=Requester workflow.item=Item workflow.startTime=Received workflow.actions=Actions workflow.actor=Current actor workflow.submit=Do it outcome.step.abort=Abort outcome.step.complete=Completed outcome.step.continue=Continue outcome.decision.acknowledge=OK outcome.decision.approve=Approve outcome.decision.deny=Deny outcome.decision.hold=Hold outcome.decision.reassign=Reassign workflow.details.title=Show or hide details workflow.details=details... # Specific workflow/decision messages workflow.saveWikiPage=Save wiki page {2} decision.saveWikiPage=Approve page {2} notification.saveWikiPage.reject=Your request to save page {2} was rejected. fact.pageName=Page name fact.diffText=Difference between proposed and current version fact.proposedText=Proposed fact.currentText=Current fact.isAuthenticated=Is Authenticated? select.one=(select one) workflow.creatUserProfile=New user profile {2} decision.createUserProfile=New user profile {2} notification.createUserProfile.reject=Your request to create a user profile was rejected. fact.submitter=Submitter # PreviewContent.jsp preview.tab=Preview preview.info=This is a preview! \ Hit “Keep Editing” to go back to the editor, \ or hit “Save” if you’re happy with what you see. # SearchBox.jsp sbox.search.submit=Quick Navigation sbox.view=view sbox.view.title=View the selected page sbox.edit=edit sbox.edit.title=Edit the selected page sbox.clone=clone sbox.clone.title=Clone the selected page sbox.find=find sbox.find.title=Advanced Search sbox.search.result=Quick search sbox.search.target=(type ahead) sbox.clearrecent=(Clear) sbox.recentsearches=Recent Searches # UploadTemplate.jsp # move all to attach. upload.title={0}: Add Attachment upload.heading.upload=Upload new attachment to {0} upload.attachments=Current attachments upload.info=In order to upload a new attachment to this page, please use \ the following box to find the file, then click on “Upload”. upload.submit=Upload upload.done=If you are done uploading, you may wish to return to {0} # ViewTemplate.jsp # 0 : Application Name # 1 : Page name view.title.view={0}: {1} # The built-in editors also have their localized strings in this file. editor.plain.name=Your name editor.plain.remember=Remember me? editor.plain.email=Homepage or email editor.plain.save.submit=Save editor.plain.save.title=Save [ s ] editor.plain.preview.submit=Preview editor.plain.preview.title=Preview [ v ] editor.plain.cancel.submit=Cancel editor.plain.cancel.title=Cancel editing. Your changes will be lost. [ q ] editor.plain.changenote=Change Note editor.commentsignature=Comment signature editor.plain.toolbar=Toolbar editor.plain.find=Find editor.plain.replace=Replace editor.plain.matchcase=Match Case editor.plain.regexp=RegExp editor.plain.global=Replace all editor.plain.find.submit=Replace editor.plain.redo.submit=Redo editor.plain.undo.submit=Undo editor.plain.redo.title=Redo last Undo editor.plain.undo.title=Undo last replace [ z ] #new since v2.5.100 editor.plain.posteditor=Enter Keyword+Tab: editor.plain.posteditor.title=shift+enter for next next field editor.plain.smartpairs= Smart Typing Pairs editor.plain.smartpairs.title= Auto pairing of () [] {} <> "" '' editor.plain.tabcompletion=Tab Completion (keyword+Tab) editor.plain.tabcompletion.title=Auto expansion of keyword to Wiki Markup #editor.plain.editassist=Edit Assist #editor.plain.editassist.title=Toggle Edit Assist buttons editor.plain.sneakpreview=Sneak Preview editor.plain.sneakpreview.title=Sneak Preview. \ Click outside the textarea to refresh the sneak preview area. editor.plain.tbLink.title=link - Insert wiki link editor.plain.tbH1.title=h1 - Insert heading1 editor.plain.tbH2.title=h2 - Insert heading2 editor.plain.tbH3.title=h3 - Insert heading3 editor.plain.tbHR.title=hr - Insert horizontal ruler editor.plain.tbBR.title=br - Insert line break editor.plain.tbPRE.title=pre - Insert preformatted block editor.plain.tbDL.title=dl - Insert definition list editor.plain.tbB.title=bold editor.plain.tbI.title=italic editor.plain.tbMONO.title=mono - monospace editor.plain.tbSUP.title=sup - superscript editor.plain.tbSUB.title=sub - subscript editor.plain.tbSTRIKE.title=strike - strikethrough editor.plain.tbTOC.title=toc - Insert table of contents editor.plain.tbTAB.title=tab - Insert tabbed section editor.plain.tbTABLE.title=table - Insert table editor.plain.tbIMG.title=img - Insert image editor.plain.tbCODE.title=code - Insert code block editor.plain.tbQUOTE.title=quote - Insert quoted block editor.plain.tbSIGN.title=sign - Insert your signature editor.preview.edit.submit=Keep editing editor.preview.edit.title=Continue to edit the current page [ e ] editor.preview.save.submit=Save editor.preview.save.title=Save the current page [ s ] editor.preview.cancel.submit=Cancel editor.preview.cancel.title=Cancel editing. Your changes will be lost. [ q ] editor.fck.noscript=You need to enable Javascript in your browser to use the FCK editor editor.wikiwizard.noscript=You need to enable Javascript in your browser to use the WikiWizard editor editor.wikiwizard.noapplet=Applets are currently not supported by your browser. \ Please download Java, so you can use the WikiWizard editor. #blog texts in various JSPs blog.commenttitle=comments blog.backtomain=Back to main blog page blog.addcomments=Add new comments # # The Javascript stuff # javascript.sbox.clone.suffix=-New javascript.edit.allsections=( All ) javascript.edit.startOfPage=( Start of page ) javascript.edit.findandreplace.nomatch=No match found! javascript.edit.toolbar.makeSelection=Please make first a selection. javascript.edit.resize=Drag to resize the text area javascript.edit.areyousure=Without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. \ Are you sure you want to exit this page? javascript.favorites.show=Click to show the Favorites javascript.favorites.hide=Click to hide the Favorites javascript.quick.edit=[Edit] javascript.quick.edit.title=Edit section {0}... javascript.collapse=Click to collapse javascript.expand=Click to expand javascript.sort.click=Click to sort javascript.sort.ascending=Ascending order. Click to reverse sort order javascript.sort.descending=Descending order. Click to reverse sort order javascript.filter.all=( All ) javascript.group.validName=Please provide a valid name for the new Group javascript.category.title=Click to show category [{0}] ... javascript.slimbox.info=Image {0} of {1} javascript.slimbox.error=


There was a problem with your request.
Please try again javascript.slimbox.directLink=Direct Link to the target javascript.slimbox.remoteRequest=Remote Request {0} of {1} javascript.slimbox.previous=«Previous javascript.slimbox.next=Next» javascript.slimbox.close=Close × javascript.slimbox.close.title=Close [Esc] javascript.sectionediting.label=Section Overview javascript.tip.default.title=More... javascript.prefs.areyousure=Without clicking the Save User Preferences button, \ your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page? ################# Stripes Migrated properties ################### #prefs.loginname /UserProfile.action.loginName=Login name #prefs.password /UserProfile.action.password=Password #prefs.password2 /UserProfile.action.passwordAgain=Password (re-type) #prefs.fullname /UserProfile.action.fullName=Full name #prefs.email /UserProfile.action.email=E-mail address #prefs.save.submit /UserProfile.action.ok=Save profile #prefs.wikiname /UserPreferences.action.assertedName=WikiName #prefs.submit.setname /UserPreferences.action.createAssertedName=Set user name #prefs.clear.submit /UserPreferences.action.clearAssertedName=Clear name #prefs.favs.submit /UserPreferences.action.editFavorites=Edit or create your personal favourites /UserProfile.action.passwordAgain.valueFailedExpression=The passwords you supplied do not match /UserProfile.action.noPermission=You are not allowed to save wiki profiles /UserProfile.action.nameCollision=The {0} “{1}” is already taken; try another /UserProfile.action.saveError=Could not save profile: {2} ############################################################################### ## Default Resource Bundle file for the Stripes Framework. Values should be ## placed in here for the following: ## - Form Field Labels, unless you want users to see a non-localized, non- ## pretty name from the form field declaration (prettied up a little). ## - Error messages for: ## - Standard validation error messages ## - Converter error messages ## - Error messages used in your custom ActionBean classes ############################################################################### # Resource strings used by the stripes:errors tag when there are no nested tags stripes.errors.header=
Please fix the following errors:
  1. stripes.errors.afterError=
  2. stripes.errors.footer=
stripes.fieldErrors.header= stripes.fieldErrors.beforeError= stripes.fieldErrors.afterError=
stripes.fieldErrors.footer= # Resource strings used by the stripes:messages tag stripes.messages.header= # Validation error messages produced by converter classes converter.number.invalidNumber=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} must be a valid number converter.byte.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3} converter.short.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3} converter.integer.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3} converter.float.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3} converter.enum.notAnEnumeratedValue=The value "{1}" is not a valid value for field {0} converter.date.invalidDate=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} must be a valid date converter.email.invalidEmail=The value ({1}) entered is not a valid email address # Validation error messages produced by the annotation based validations validation.required.valueNotPresent={0} is a required field validation.minlength.valueTooShort={0} must be at least {2} characters long validation.maxlength.valueTooLong={0} must be no more than {2} characters long validation.minvalue.valueBelowMinimum=The minimum allowed value for {0} is {2} validation.maxvalue.valueAboveMaximum=The maximum allowed value for {0} is {2} validation.mask.valueDoesNotMatch={1} is not a valid {0} validation.expression.valueFailedExpression=The value supplied ({1}) for field {0} is invalid